every time he or she does this it reminds me of the deagle.com population projection for America in 2025.
327 mil down to 100 mil.
Got my ears to perk up… he did say it.
>Wow, seems so long ago I made that!
I showed up 4 mos late to the party.
Glad it was only 4 mos.
anyone can go rewind the live feed to see more context. 12:07 on-screen time.
gramps.live (when it's working, it's about 2 hours rewindable…refresh a couple times before giving up on it).
I started using this hashtag about a week ago on twitter. Now it comes up as a predictive hashtag, so it has some traction.
#All50States being the hashtag
Typing in just "All5" is enough to bring it up
I mean, he looks good in Minnesota, Reagan's only 1984 loss… and I think there's enough frustration in CA and NY (plus hopefully we have the voter fraud under control) that I can see this happening. And we've got 8 days potential BOOMS yet to drop.