Anonymous ID: 9481e8 Oct. 26, 2020, 9:36 a.m. No.11288787   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Lord's Prayer (Hebrew style)

(Orthodox Jewish Bible

Matthew 6:1-16


Be careful that you don’t practice your tzedakah (charity giving) before Bnei Adam in order to varf (show off, flaunt) to be seen by Bnei Adam; for then you have no sachar (reward) with your Av shbaShomayim.


2 Therefore, whenever you contribute tzedakah, don’t blow the shofar before you, as the tzevuim (hypocrites) do in the shuls and in the streets, in order that they may receive kavod (glory) from Bnei Adam. Omein, truly I say to you, they have their sachar (reward).


3 But when you contribute tzedakah, do not let your left hand have da’as (knowledge) of what your right hand is doing,


4 so that your tzedakah may be nistar (hidden, in secret), and your Av HaRoeh b’seter (Father, the One seeing in secret) [His] sachar (reward) will give you.


5 And whenever you daven (pray), do not be as the tzevuim (hypocrites); for they love to stand and daven in the shuls and on the street corners so that they may be seen by an audience. Omein, truly I say to you, they have their sachar.


6 But you, whenever you daven, enter into the secret place, your secret cheder, and, having shut your door, offer tefillos to your Av Asher bSeter (Father Who is in Secret), and your Av haRoeh b’seter (Father the One seeing in secret) [His] sachar will give you.


7 But when you daven, do not babble on and on maarich (extended, long winded) and vacuously and without kavvanah (heartfelt direction, intention) like the Goyim. For the Goyim think that in their verbosity their techinnah will be heard.


8 Therefore, nisht azoi (not so)! Be different, for your Av has daas (knowledge) of what things you have need before you ask Him.


9 Therefore, when you offer tefillos, daven like this, in this manner: Avinu shbaShomayim (Our Father in heaven), yitkadash shmecha (hallowed be your Name).


10 Tavo malchutechah (Thy Kingdom come) Ye’aseh rtzonechah (Thy will be done) kmoh vaShomayim ken baaretz (on earth as it is in heaven).


11 Es lechem chukeinu ten lanu hayom (Give us today our daily bread),


12 u-slach lanu es chovoteinu kaasher salachnu (and forgive us our debts as we forgive) gam anachnu lachayaveinu (also our debtors).


13 V’al tvi’einu lidey nisayon (And lead us not into temptation [Mt 26:41]) ki im chaltzeinu min harah (but deliver us from evil). [Ki l’chah hamamlachah (for thine is the Kingdom) vhagvurah (and the power) vhatiferet (and the glory) l’olmei olamim (forever). Omein].


14 For if you give men mechila (pardon, forgiveness) for their chattaim (sins), so also your Av shbaShomayim will give selicha (forgiveness) to you.


15 But if you do not give men mechila (forgiveness), neither will your chattaim receive selicha from your Av.


16 And whenever you undergo a tzom (fast), don’t be like the sullen tzevuim (hypocrites), for they disfigure their faces to parade their tzom (fast). Omein, truly I say to you, they have received their sachar (reward).

Anonymous ID: 9481e8 Oct. 26, 2020, 9:47 a.m. No.11288929   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The 19th century German Psychiatrist who wrote the book on sexual deviance disagrees. He coined these terms. His groundbreaking and novel research led to our current understanding of criminally deviant thinking.


The twelfth and final edition of Psychopathia Sexualis presented four categories of what Krafft-Ebing called "cerebral neuroses":


paradoxia, sexual excitement occurring independently of the period of the physiological processes in the generative organs

anaesthesia, absence of sexual instinct

hyperaesthesia, increased desire, satyriasis

paraesthesia, perversion of the sexual instinct, i.e., excitability of the sexual functions to inadequate stimuli


The term "hetero-sexual" is used, but not in chapter or section headings. The term "bi-sexuality" appears twice in the 7th edition, and more frequently in the 12th.


There is no mention of sexual activity with children in Chapter III, General Pathology, where the "cerebral neuroses" (including sexuality the paraesthesias) are covered. Various sexual acts with children are mentioned in Chapter IV, Special Pathology, but always in the context of specific mental disorders, such as dementia, epilepsy, and paranoia, never as resulting from its own disorder. However, Chapter V on sexual crimes has a section on sexual crimes with children. This section is brief in the 7th edition, but is expanded in the 12th to cover Non-Psychopathological Cases and Psychopathological Cases, in which latter subsection the term paedophilia erotica is used.


Krafft-Ebing considered procreation the purpose of sexual desire and thatany form of recreational sex was a perversion of the sex drive."With opportunity for the natural satisfaction of the sexual instinct, every expression of it that does not correspond with the purpose of nature—i.e., propagation,—must be regarded as perverse."[10] Hence, he concluded that homosexuals suffered a degree of sexual perversion because homosexual practices could not result in procreation. In some cases, homosexual libido was classified as a moral vice induced by the early practice of masturbation.[11] Krafft-Ebing proposed a theory of homosexuality as biologically anomalous and originating in the embryonic and fetal stages of gestation, which evolved into a "sexual inversion" of the brain. In 1901, in an article in the Jahrbuch für sexuelle Zwischenstufen (Yearbook for Intermediate Sexual Types), he changed the biological term from anomaly to differentiation.


Although the primary focus is on sexual behavior in men, there are sections on Sadism in Woman, Masochism in Woman, and Lesbian Love. Several of the cases of sexual activity with children were committed by women.


Krafft-Ebing’s conclusions about homosexuality are now largely forgotten, partly because Sigmund Freud’s theories were more interesting to physicians (who considered homosexuality to be a psychological problem) and partly because he incurred the enmity of the Austrian Catholic Church when he psychologically associated martyrdom (a desire for sanctity) with hysteria and masochism.[12]

Anonymous ID: 9481e8 Oct. 26, 2020, 9:59 a.m. No.11289085   🗄️.is 🔗kun


God was alone in creating man, yet was concerned man would become immortal, like one of "us"?

Who is "us?


Did God have an immortal, all-knowing, mouse in his pocket?


The little explain away all the contradictions guide didn't address this question.

Perhaps I missed it?