Tanks Bakes
>>We want to know if they gave up those CIA assets who the CCP executed.
>Second on that!
>Wow, the quality of the trolling has always been sub-par, but today we're being infiltrated with some piss-poor grade-school level shills.
>[They] must be running short on funds.
Think Hitler-Jugden
>>BREAKING: Just-released Obama administration emails reveal a May 18, 2016, email from a redacted sender to Amos Hochstein, then-Vice President Joe Biden's sr adviser on Ukraine energy policy, under the subject โBurisma News Devon Archer," Hunter's partner
>This morning President Trump said in Allentown PA that he heard AT&T is getting ready to fire CNNโs Jeff Zuckerโฆ
Wouldn't do that if they thought Crooked Joe was gonna w
Incohate and Incoherant