Conjecture (based on anons' discussion in lb):
CIA wanted to replace the NSA.
NSA is huge and hard to control.
Under Hayden NSA certainly was [their] tool, but rank and file in the NSA are more difficult to utilize for evil ends. It essentially boils down to culture.
NSA has always been patriotic and more difficult to subvert.
GG, Scahill, Poitras, Omidyar, Assange etc. have all been set up to cater to a particular group on the left, just like AJ was designated to draw in people on the right.
All of this happens on a need-to-know basis, the actors don't know what they are actually participating in and mostly believe in what they are peddling. The story of GG having to leave the US and set-up shop in Brazil always struck me as fake. If true, then GG should have know that he was merely a tool, designated for a moment like this to go against Trump hard like his colleagues do and prevent the awakening of the people who used to listen to him. Some are apparently waking up, maybe GG (who should have know better for the inception) and Assange finally are, others are lost forever.
Hastings was asked or used (manipulated) by patriots to take out McCrystal. When he tried to go after Brennan, [they] took him out.
Broadwell and Kelley were honeypots to push out Petraeus and Allen.
Revenge for Extortion 17?
Allen was replaced by Dunford.
Later Dunford went on to replace Dempsey.