I have an idea. Anyone who tells us that this 2nd fall wave of cases suggests a need to shut down the country again, or keeps certain areas of the country from re-opening; how about we just shoot them in the face and terminate the NWO Communist propagandists?
I'm a glow nigger because I think we should just eliminate these commies? OK. Got it. We are at war. I remember back to a day in the 80's when killing commies for mommy was considered Patriotic. Maybe you weren't born yet when Russia was in control with the CCCP?
Don, Jr on Laura:
LI:"They are saying attending a Trump rally is like inviting the virus?"
DTJr: "These people are morons!"
The level of cognitive dissonance is astounding.
So much so, that Fox News is now constantly running pharma ads for schizophrenia!
"I feel like people are out to get me!"
"Give your balls a tug, you fucking loser!"
I'm from OH originally. I think I'm gonna start making LGBT sandwiches.
Sandwiches with mayo on Sour dough, or everything bagels!
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