So is the entire point of the faggots who post the gore pics to scare off normies? I am way too autistic to give a fuck about it. I usually enlarge them for a quick sec and just go on my way reading the thread.
Its kind of funny tbh. Their pics had the opposite effect on me. If it comes down to civil war and Trump asks us for help I wont hesitate. It has numbed me to war. The commies will scurry off once their friend next to them gets blown in half.
This isnt a post saying lets have a civil war, just giving my thoughts.
Thank you for that, anon.
I am getting the feeling he declares victory tomorrow, is banned from twatter, then heads off to an unknown location for the "my fellow americans" message. While it is supposed to be twatter I think it could be a text.
MAGATHREAD on TD has so many weak cucks on it. Its crazy.