thats intradasting
wish you wouldnt shit the bread, but ive done it before too
Gore drops are usually an alarm that somethings up
Happens a lot on NS
Anyone seeing anything?
been happening every time new biden pics come out
And when there are certain comms on the board. Not seeing comms yet, but keeping eyes open
Have you ever considered it as a mental test and toughening system
Youre not here just to share info
Learn the comms
Learn whats going on here and why
It gets deep, and interesting af
did he tie his show inside or outside your house
not our fault you guys got taken over at all
oh, its the fake one
am i giving your secrets away or something
raheems in here a lot
distancing himself for optics
shitty imo, but kinda get it
a few have had to
A lot do tbh
Not all by any means, but a lot think we all should just sit around and wait
We're here for info and Q
Why would you just sit around when you could be in the streets showing these folks who boss
Not talking violent, But am talking getting out and yelling a bit
Revenge is sweet
i like the way you think, "anon"