Anonymous ID: ad77d8 Q Research General #14680: Night Stalkers Dont Quit! Edition Nov. 6, 2020, 3:14 a.m. No.11496510   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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Tuesday 11.3.2020

>>11422223 ————————————–——– that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom (CAP: >>11422540)


Monday 11.02.2020

>>11414108 ————————————–——– Trump campaign statement on democrat plans to delegitimize Election Day results (Cap: >>11414149)


Saturday 10.31.2020

>>11380146 ————————————–——– Are you ready for: ZERO DAY! (Cap: >>11381593)

>>11380075 ————————————–——– Are you ready to take back control of this Country?

>>11379970 ————————————–——– Are you ready to hold the political elite [protected] accountable?

>>11379902 ————————————–——– Are you ready to finish what we started?


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Anonymous ID: ad77d8 Nov. 6, 2020, 3:14 a.m. No.11496513   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6634 >>6663

Global Announcements

>>11494298 Patrick Howley: FBI interrogated Dallas Jones and others in the biggest election fraud bust in American history. Fake driver licenses from China, nursing home patients denied food until vote as told.

>>11475266 , >>11475276 Detroit Fraud Primary Source Video

>>11475013 Donald J. Trump Campaign has created a webpage to report elections issues.

>>11435007 NEW PDJT - POTUS TWEETS IWO JIMA STATUE (same as our banner!)

>>11426527, >>11426774, Codemonkey bids anons farewell to 8Kun Admin position

>>11422989 Q didn't post in Q_Anon Research - He posted in Q Research >>11422223

>>11422980, >>11423061, >>11423090, >>11423176, >>11423303, >>11423425 BO comments on the state of the board


Notables are NOT endorsements


#14679 1/2

>>11495822 Video: STING (confirmed)

>>11495829 , >>11495833 Biden Takes Lead In Georgia (still 110% reporting)

>>11495867 FoxNews subliminal vote calls opposite of actual Fox call

>>11495868 PF: QID295

>>11495876 Flynn: Fruad in Fulton County

>>11495877 Were QAnon supporters a force behind Trump's 'red wave' in 2020 election?

>>11495897 DOJ Looking Into Criminal Referral Alleging 3K Cases of Voter Fraud in Nevada

>>11495902 Pennsylvania sos from today works much better with a laugh track!

>>11495905 Trump Lawyer: Nevada Allowed Thousands of People Who Didn't Live There to Vote

>>11495907 You forgot a minor detail…..the ballots are tracked,

>>11495911 EXCLUSIVE: Poll Watcher in Michigan Kicked Out of Detroit Hall But Not Before They Obtained Evidence of Potential Fraud

>>11495919 Virginia Democrat Surges Ahead In House Race After Thousands Of Ballots Are β€˜Found’ On A Flash Drive

>>11495933 Arizona Voters File Lawsuit to Restore Their Ballots Cancelled Over Sharpies

>>11495934 Never Bring A Republican to a Street Fight

>>11495941 Sidney Powell: Great compilation of voter fraud

>>11495944 Newly elected House Republican women break record in 'stunning blow to Nancy Pelosi'

>>11495951 The Voters Versus the Vote Counters

>>11495960 The U.S. Supreme Court Should Act On Pennsylvania’s Vote Count

>>11495965 American Companies Secretly Owned by China

>>11495966 So just hang on. We didn't 'lose' Georgia, no one is 'stealing' Pennsylvania, etc. Not while POTUS has breath in his lungs.

>>11495977 UN speaks of Temple Mount as solely Muslim site, ignores Jewish ties

>>11495983 PROOF of voter Fruad CAPs

>>11495987 Trump Forces CBS to Cover GOP Wins in the House, They Fact-Checked Him

>>11495997 NY Times Can’t Wait to Crown Biden, Still Puzzled By Pro-Trump Pollster

>>11496012 BREAKING: Project Veritas: Pennsylvania USPS Whistleblower Exposes Anti-Trump Postmaster’s Illegal Order to Back-Date Ballots (VIDEO)

>>11496019 Trump will lose a certain Twitter privilege if Biden wins the 2020 election

>>11496023 , >>11496046 Edison Research -CALL TO DIG

>>11495963 , >>11496028 The way each ballot is printed, the offset margins, even text spacing could be used to stored digital data specific to the voter.

>>11496031 Dems Disagree in Leaked Caucus Call, Rep. Tlaib Says Progressive Wing is Not to Blame for Losses

>>11496042 Rush Urges Trump Supporters to 'Keep the Faith' As Dems Use 'Fraud' and 'Deceit' to Steal Election

>>11496057 , >>11496098 U.S Army: Night Stalkers Dont Quit!

>>11496058 Late-night comedians rally for Joe Biden

>>11496067 ABC, CBS, NBC Cut Away from President Trump’s Live Remarks on Election

>>11496090 Twitter Confirms Trump’s Account Will No Longer Receive β€˜Special Protections’ Starting January 20th, Will Be Censored for Violations

>>11496103 Trump Eclipses Obama Popular Vote Mark, Reinforcing Speculation of 2024 Run

>>11496108 Republican Leaders Take Note: Even in a Post-Trump World the Realignment Is Real

>>11496118 U.S Marines RED Carpet (roll it out!)

>>11496498 #14679 1/2

Anonymous ID: ad77d8 Nov. 6, 2020, 3:15 a.m. No.11496515   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

#14679 2/2

>>11496119 Democrats urge Twitter to suspend Trump until ballots counted President's tweets called 'threat to democracy'

>>11496128 Facebook bans pro-Trump 'Stop the Steal' page for 'delegitimizing' election Blames nation's 'heightened tension'

>>11496133 Watch Pennsylvania Dem poll-watcher reveal 'coup' against president 'There is corruption at the highest levels in the city of Philadelphia'

>>11496144 Definitely…this was the Primary election but he was Biden's Ballot Harvester/ and Sheila Jacksons'.

>>11496149 The Plan to steal WI, MI & PA for Dems was set in motion

>>11496155 Ballot-count watcher claims 130,000 votes dumped for Biden Describes incident in Detroit early Wednesday amid Trump lead

>>11496194 β€˜HERE WE GO AGAIN' TV stations CUT AWAY from Trump as he rants about Dems trying to β€˜steal’ the election & conspiracies against him

>>11496210 'UP TRUMP!' Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones shouts β€˜you ain’t stealing s**t’ as he riles up armed Trump fans protesting Arizona count

>>11496217 If the real "plague" or "pandemic" is Chinese marxism then when do "We the People" get to close down the health department for "investigations and contact tracing" of a different sort?

>>11496219 Texas JUST unleashes indictments for the 2018 midterm voter fraud in September 2020.

>>11496227 Posted this last night, but guess anons didn't process that theis is a blockchain technology WATERMARK. There is a PATENT on it, which means it is a secret.

>>11496236 Alan Dershowitz to Newsmax TV: Trump Has Best Chance With Pennsylvania Lawsuit

>>11496237 Top KEK amongst the madness.

>>11496248 Proud Boys' Gavin McInnes to Newsmax TV: Anti-Trump Supporters 'Impaled' Black Conservative Woman

>>11496263 USPS worker arrested at Canadian border with bin of mail, undelivered ballots

>>11496274 Senate Republicans sit quietly as Trump challenges vote counts

>>11496287 BREAKING: Portland Antifa Mob Home of City Council Member Dan Ryan For Voting Against Defunding Police (VIDEO)

>>11496299 USA Today Deplatforms Trump’s Comments on Election as NPR and Other Outlets Censor President

>>11496311 β€˜I’m Here to Stand with President Trump’ – Lindsey Graham to Donate $500,000 to Trump’s Legal Fund Tonight (VIDEO)

>>11496351 The β€˜paper of record’ commits the same mistakes it apologized for four years ago

>>11496357 Ditch the Real Clear Politics Average

>>11496367 Milwaukee Officials Have Some Explaining to Do

>>11496368 Ballot Video MEGA Thread

>>11496364 done in 30?


>>11496384 Do you want to find proof of fraud? Here's a hint. Subpoena the mail covers.

>>11496392 Anon Reporting; See something, say something.

>>11496394 Trump’s Latest Twitter Meme Is Music To The Ears Of QAnon Adherents

>>11496416 Vox: The Left Should Reconsider Its Commitment To Intersectional Politics (Aka β€˜The Latinx Problem’)

>>11496449 Court cases, with hard evidence of course, will be rock solid IF Biden is declared the winner. If they've cheated and committed fraud to get him there and he loses, the cases won't hold as much water.

>>11496457 , >>11496314 Chain of custody for ballots:

>>11496476 Idioms now get you kicked off Twitter.

>>11496492 Black men drifted from Democrats toward Trump in record numbers, polls show

>>11496499 #14679 2/2

Anonymous ID: ad77d8 Nov. 6, 2020, 3:15 a.m. No.11496516   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>>11494999 , >>11495293 Never Forget Those In The Background: The man behind the PAPER BALLOT (USSS)

>>11495037 My Missouri county (liberal hell hole in a sea of red) has used Sharpies often in previous elections.

>>11495060 Almost quitin' time, just 666 to go ftw.

>>11495081 , >>11495108 , >>11495367 Quantum Financial Systems The Secret Service has primary jurisdiction to investigate threats against Secret Service protectees as well as financial crimes

>>11495245 Quantum Financial Systems The Japanese giant Hitachi has developed the world’s smallest and thinnest Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chip.

>>11495112 Watermarks and paper specs

>>11495116 Just heard on OAN - Normies showing up in Emergency Rooms for Panic Attacks skyrocketing

>>11495148 Back in 2018 POTUS created the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency as part of DHS. Upon establishment, immediately declared "elections" a "critical infrastructure."

>>11495170 Trump has unleashed his legal dogs or war and his most effective all-star persuasion trolls, with air support from weaponized autism. Dems don’t know what is coming for them.

>>11495163 , >>11495194 , >>11495336 How is a half-baked crypto currency idea going to be used for ballot tracking? -RFID readers can detect them from cellphone tower distances

>>11495199 , >>11495226 , >>11495292 Wisconsin fraud drop at /pol/

>>11495209 , >>11495288 PIC equals 17

>>11495225 , >>11495266 These real paper ballots can be tracked from up to a half mile away? Gee don't helos fly pretty low sometimes? Bunch of mil plane activity recently?

>>11495091 Philly Mail in ballot test failures back in July

>>11495317 Those who have not studied Sun Tzu’s The Art of War can never fully understand Trump and his way.


>>11495350 Perfect display of why the best diggers have left Q research

>>11495364 AP is releasing its narrative for all the other news outlets to mimic.

>>11495368 Jame Bond 007 - You Only LiveTwice: "My men found a MicroDot on the PAPER"

>>11495370 GerorgiaAnon: Gwinnett County says they still have about 5,000 and it might be Sunday before they release the numbers

>>11495404 WATERMARK CONFIRMED Full resolution pic.

>>11495394 Armed QAnon supporter drove from Virginia to attack Philly vote counting: reports

>>11495419 POTUS: "control comms" PROOF

>>11495463 , >>11495531 Police increased their presence at the Philadelphia Convention Center after receiving a tip about a terrorism attack.

>>11495481 Just to be clear: police were/are investigating an alleged plot; police have not confirmed a plot

>>11495471 , >>11495510 Compilation of VOTER FRAUD videos to share with friends. (ARCHIVE OFFLINE)

>>11495492 Dinesh D'Souza's A Thousand Pieces JFK Documentary free to watch tonight

>>11495503 Democrats have put us through 4 years of living hell

>>11495507 People are sending postmananon to Project Veritas from what I can tell

>>11495508 , >>11495590 463 Vote difference in Georgia now. (4+6+3 = 13)

>>11495565 Patriots don’t sleep.

>>11495566 , >>11495575 The left told us what they were going to do, "we wouldn't know who won on election night & neither side will concede"

>>11495643 Real Clear Politics: 100% reporting in Georgia -Trump stil WINNING

>>11495663 MSM talking about Vigano

>>11495664 MSNBC chose to be in Pittsburgh at 4:17am ("For Q") talking about their "35,000 ballots" yet to be counted

>>11495679 The DHS security microdot document mentions Red 192, which is a Pantone code for a shade of Antique Rose or Vivid Rose.

>>11495727 #14678

Anonymous ID: ad77d8 Nov. 6, 2020, 3:15 a.m. No.11496519   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>>11494862 , >>11494874 , >>11494876 , >>11494916 USSS has Biden literally surround (dafuq?)

>>11494850 "Red October" was on 7 November, 1917

>>11494350 muhQanon being connected to vote counting attack in PA

>>11494400 muhQanon They don't let up

>>11494379 COMMS FUCKERY REPORT Notice they ghosted RIGHT at the moment this was reported. Comms is setting Q up

>>11494224 , >>11494609 Police probe alleged plot to attack Philadelphia vote counting center

>>11494266 , >>11494773 6D Chess -Explained

>>11494269 Voter fraud whistleblower

>>11494392 Michigan AG asks residents to stop telling staff to shove Sharpies up their butts

>>11494278 Harris County Ballot Harvesting Scheme

>>11494280 Trump is paying all Legal fees for this fight out of his own pocket.

>>11494282 Democrats in GA just officially changed the outcome of an election….and can now be severely punished.

>>11494308 , >>11494445 , >>11494583 Secret Service Sending Re-Enforcments to Wilmington, Delaware

>>11494344 01:03:33 - It's in the briefcase. It's coated with isotopes which give off a unique…

>>11494405 BREAKING: Alleged Plot To Attack Philly Convention Center Where Votes Are Being Counted, FF?

>>11494451 , >>11494504 , >>11494553 Who prints the ballots and where anons?

>>11494458 Partisan Biden Vote Volunteer

>>11494485 Voter Fruad Whistleblower USPS Wisconsin/ Illinois

>>11494512 Three year delta: talking about elections:

>>11494515 Nevada AG Sounds The Alarm, Says Nevada Dems Will Be Able to Vote For Elders Without Their Signature (old news, now relevent)

>>11494530 Former Philadelphia Judge of Elections Convicted of Conspiring to Violate Civil Rights and Bribery (old news now relevent)

>>11494551 KEK - BASED WOODS

>>11494565 How Bill Clinton and American Financiers Armed China

>>11494570 Important Election Integrity Info from 2018

>>11494630 Trump Jr. Tweet

>>11494632 Markers/felt tip pens

>>11494664 Workers at dump find Trump ballots. Not sure where this happened.

>>11494671 Ok so the theory that Craig Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto and BSV restored to the Genesis Bitcoin code is a rabbit hole.


>>11494708 Demorilization Campaign is PAID Actors (Anons Already Knew)

>>11494862 , >>11494874 , >>11494876 USSS has Biden literally surround (dafuq?)

>>11494887 Philly Suburb still taking ballots

>>11495137 #14677


Previously Collected Notables

>>11494319 #14675-1, >>11494321 #14675-2, >>11494167 #14676

>>11490970 #14672, >>11490729 #14673, >>11491829 #14674

>>11486424 #14669, >>11487654 #14670, >>11489022 #14671

>>11483720 #14666, >>11484525 #14667, >>11487040 #14668

>>11480578 #14663, >>11482959 #14664, >>11482157 #14665

>>11478324 #14660, >>11479042 #14661, >>11479809 #14662

>>11475215 #14656(2/2) >>11476144 #14657 >>11476738 #14658

>>11473609 #14654, >>11474439 #14655, >>11475215 #14656(1/2)

>>11471314 #14651, >>11472310 #14652, >>11472869 #14653


Notables Aggregators: &

Anonymous ID: ad77d8 Nov. 6, 2020, 3:15 a.m. No.11496521   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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Anonymous ID: ad77d8 Nov. 6, 2020, 3:15 a.m. No.11496523   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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Anonymous ID: ad77d8 Nov. 6, 2020, 3:58 a.m. No.11496840   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6847


there isnt a single real anon throwing in the towel, anon


the concernshills are paid to be here

this is a frequency war

your thoughts and intentions create the world around you

our collective thoughts and intentions shape the world itself

if they can get out mindsdowninto accepting defeat

it will happen



Be the Light, anon

Anonymous ID: ad77d8 Nov. 6, 2020, 4:03 a.m. No.11496880   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

>>11496530 Dough


Q's Latest Posts


Tuesday 11.3.2020

>>11422223 ————————————–——– that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom (CAP: >>11422540)


Monday 11.02.2020

>>11414108 ————————————–——– Trump campaign statement on democrat plans to delegitimize Election Day results (Cap: >>11414149)


Election Results Tracker


other numbers being reported are probably fake and gay


This Website Has A List of Links to ALL States Secretary of State Websites






Notables are NOT endorsements

Notes @250


Global Notable

>>11494298 Patrick Howley: FBI interrogated Dallas Jones and others in the biggest election fraud bust in American history. Fake driver licenses from China, nursing home patients denied food until vote as told.

>>11475266 , >>11475276 Detroit Fraud Primary Source Video

>>11475013 Donald J. Trump Campaign has created a webpage to report elections issues.



>>11496551 , >>11496621 , >>11496670 , >>11496712 The Postal Service patented "secure voting system" using blockchain technology in Aug 2020.

>>11496558 Oh, those poll workers…

>>11496632 A deep dark world is BEING EXPOSED.

>>11496637 DoD Tweet: Watch Marines conduct an assault on a military operations urban training compound in support of Bold Quest 20.2

>>11496662 DISQUS commenting system is deleting posts containing the watermarked ballots as spam

>>11496668 CISA - The agency that DJT created to secure the elections:

>>11496674 Biden to receive additional Secret Service protection: report

>>11496680 Voter fraud in one nice pic. Please share everywhere!

>>11496691 According to waybackmachine millions of "registered voters" were added at 11/04/2020

>>11496726 2 Officers shot in Waukesha County

>>11496730 Very good election fraud thread:

>>11496776 Fulton County told our observers last night to go home because they were closing up and then continued to count ballots in secret.

>>11496785 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Pelosi NECK DEEP in Ukraine – Female Ukrainian Party Girl Connected to Military and Government is Her Legislative Aide

>>11496795 Every night between 3-5amEST vote totals magically change so that when America wakes up everything is changed.

>>11496833 U.S. Office of Special Counsel has opened an investigation into the Trump campaign's use of the White House for campaign-related activities to see if federal law has been violated.




Anonymous ID: ad77d8 Nov. 6, 2020, 4:04 a.m. No.11496889   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

anons, hillariously, we have NEWFAG shills now

there is a new crop of shills that have just arrived to the board

give them a nice top 'o the mornin' anons





you know how

Anonymous ID: ad77d8 Nov. 6, 2020, 4:11 a.m. No.11496949   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>I have more money in my bank

literally the ONLY metric that matters in this life

bravo, you FAILED at literally everything

and this post proves it


money in your bank account???

money in your bank account???

money in your bank account???

money in your bank account???

money in your bank account???




Anonymous ID: ad77d8 Nov. 6, 2020, 4:23 a.m. No.11497072   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7308

>>11496530 Dough


Q's Latest Posts


Tuesday 11.3.2020

>>11422223 ————————————–——– that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom (CAP: >>11422540)


Monday 11.02.2020

>>11414108 ————————————–——– Trump campaign statement on democrat plans to delegitimize Election Day results (Cap: >>11414149)


Election Results Tracker


other numbers being reported are probably fake and gay


This Website Has A List of Links to ALL States Secretary of State Websites






Notables are NOT endorsements

Notes @450


Global Notable

>>11494298 Patrick Howley: FBI interrogated Dallas Jones and others in the biggest election fraud bust in American history. Fake driver licenses from China, nursing home patients denied food until vote as told.

>>11475266 , >>11475276 Detroit Fraud Primary Source Video

>>11475013 Donald J. Trump Campaign has created a webpage to report elections issues.



>>11496916 Spouse anon said the elementary kids were chanting β€œBiden sucks” on the playground yesterday.

>>11496551 , >>11496621 , >>11496670 , >>11496712 The Postal Service patented "secure voting system" using blockchain technology in Aug 2020.

>>11496558 Oh, those poll workers…

>>11496632 A deep dark world is BEING EXPOSED.

>>11496637 DoD Tweet: Watch Marines conduct an assault on a military operations urban training compound in support of Bold Quest 20.2

>>11496662 DISQUS commenting system is deleting posts containing the watermarked ballots as spam

>>11496668 CISA - The agency that DJT created to secure the elections:

>>11496674 Biden to receive additional Secret Service protection: report

>>11496680 Voter fraud in one nice pic. Please share everywhere!

>>11496691 According to waybackmachine millions of "registered voters" were added at 11/04/2020

>>11496726 2 Officers shot in Waukesha County

>>11496730 Very good election fraud thread:

>>11496776 Fulton County told our observers last night to go home because they were closing up and then continued to count ballots in secret.

>>11496785 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Pelosi NECK DEEP in Ukraine – Female Ukrainian Party Girl Connected to Military and Government is Her Legislative Aide

>>11496795 Every night between 3-5amEST vote totals magically change so that when America wakes up everything is changed.

>>11496833 U.S. Office of Special Counsel has opened an investigation into the Trump campaign's use of the White House for campaign-related activities to see if federal law has been violated.

>>11496879 President Trump considers recounts in Wis., Pa., Mich. and Ga.

>>11496884 Eric Trump: There was a lot of truth to this statement… Just wait:

>>11496888 Guess who's back from suspension at fake news CNN Loobin Tubin Strikes again

>>11496926 It’s Not Even Close to Being Over – Not by a Long Shot!

>>11496906 Democrat civil war begins

>>11496913 Trump Campaign: Victory Possible By Friday

>>11496915 Is Ballotgate the Single Greatest Crime in Modern American History?

>>11496926 It’s Not Even Close to Being Over – Not by a Long Shot!

>>11496937 GOP Slammed for Silence amid Election Chaos: Cowering to the β€˜Media Mob’

>>11496951 Report: Democrat PA Officials β€˜Privately’ Feeding Biden Campaign His Potential Margin of Victory

>>11496961 Defense Sec. Esper has reportedly prepared a resignation letter

>>11496962 Cheri Bustos Promises β€˜Post Mortem’ After Losing House Democrat Seats

>>11496971 Graham: I’m Donating $500,000 to Trump Legal Fund, We’ll Be Briefed by Campaign on Saturday

>>11496977 Donald Trump: Biden’s Donors Were Wall Street Bankers; Mine Were Policemen, Farmers, Everyday Citizens

>>11497003 Coloradans vote to bypass Electoral College Approve plan to give votes to winner of national popular tally




Anonymous ID: ad77d8 Nov. 6, 2020, 4:44 a.m. No.11497259   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>7297 >>7302


>>11496916 Spouse anon said the elementary kids were chanting β€œBiden sucks” on the playground yesterday.

>>11496551 , >>11496621 , >>11496670 , >>11496712 The Postal Service patented "secure voting system" using blockchain technology in Aug 2020.

>>11496558 Oh, those poll workers…

>>11496632 A deep dark world is BEING EXPOSED.

>>11496637 DoD Tweet: Watch Marines conduct an assault on a military operations urban training compound in support of Bold Quest 20.2

>>11496662 DISQUS commenting system is deleting posts containing the watermarked ballots as spam

>>11496668 CISA - The agency that DJT created to secure the elections:

>>11496674 Biden to receive additional Secret Service protection: report

>>11496680 Voter fraud in one nice pic. Please share everywhere!

>>11496691 According to waybackmachine millions of "registered voters" were added at 11/04/2020

>>11496726 2 Officers shot in Waukesha County

>>11496730 Very good election fraud thread:

>>11496776 Fulton County told our observers last night to go home because they were closing up and then continued to count ballots in secret.

>>11496785 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Pelosi NECK DEEP in Ukraine – Female Ukrainian Party Girl Connected to Military and Government is Her Legislative Aide

>>11496795 Every night between 3-5amEST vote totals magically change so that when America wakes up everything is changed.

>>11496833 U.S. Office of Special Counsel has opened an investigation into the Trump campaign's use of the White House for campaign-related activities to see if federal law has been violated.

>>11496879 President Trump considers recounts in Wis., Pa., Mich. and Ga.

>>11496884 Eric Trump: There was a lot of truth to this statement… Just wait:

>>11496888 Guess who's back from suspension at fake news CNN Loobin Tubin Strikes again

>>11496926 It’s Not Even Close to Being Over – Not by a Long Shot!

>>11496906 Democrat civil war begins

>>11496913 Trump Campaign: Victory Possible By Friday

>>11496915 Is Ballotgate the Single Greatest Crime in Modern American History?

>>11496926 It’s Not Even Close to Being Over – Not by a Long Shot!

>>11496937 GOP Slammed for Silence amid Election Chaos: Cowering to the β€˜Media Mob’

>>11496951 Report: Democrat PA Officials β€˜Privately’ Feeding Biden Campaign His Potential Margin of Victory

>>11496961 Defense Sec. Esper has reportedly prepared a resignation letter

>>11496962 Cheri Bustos Promises β€˜Post Mortem’ After Losing House Democrat Seats

>>11496971 Graham: I’m Donating $500,000 to Trump Legal Fund, We’ll Be Briefed by Campaign on Saturday

>>11496977 Donald Trump: Biden’s Donors Were Wall Street Bankers; Mine Were Policemen, Farmers, Everyday Citizens

>>11497003 Coloradans vote to bypass Electoral College Approve plan to give votes to winner of national popular tally

>>11497012 WATCH: Florida Governor DeSantis Calls Out Fox News Election Desk While Appearing on Fox News

>>11497041 Mail-in ballots were part of a plot to deny Lincoln reelection in 1864

>>11497047 NC first lady apologizes for Facebook comment about β€˜flipping off’ Trump supporters

>>11497051 "Vladimir Putin is planning to step down next year as speculation swirls in Russia that the longtime president may have Parkinson’s disease, a report said Thursday."

>>11497059 , >>11497080 PF

>>11497066 The Michigan Secretary of State's Office says there were 77,483 spoiled ballots associated with the presidential election in Michigan as of Tuesday morning.

>>11497074 AG Barr Just Sent In The Federal Agents – Bill Is Ordering Them To Watch The 2020 Ballot Counting

>>11497078 Two Arrested After Police Get Tip of Convention Center Threat

>>11497083 Moments ago, divers discovered a sunken vehicle in the Potomac river with what appears to be, two trunks full of Joe Biden ballots for 2020. (for keks)

>>11497094 Our best guess: A fuel dump by the second stage of a Space X Falcon 9 rocket launched earlier in the evening from Cape Canaveral


>>11497142 U.S. Postal Service says 1,700 ballots found in Pennsylvania facilities

>>11497194 Europe’s QAnon followers embrace US election conspiracy theories

>>11497196 Notes: This release is not public

>>11497220 Why Trump Keeps Fighting: America’s Future Is At Stake

>>11497233 The Morning Briefing: Dems Have Turned U.S. Elections Into a Third World Embarrassment

>>11497241 Presidential Determination With Respect to the Efforts of Foreign Governments Regarding Trafficking in Persons

>>11497246 No, Democrats and the Media, We Are Not Taking Your Word for It This Election



save the rest for the next one fags!