Here's borris Johnsons email let's let him know how we feel about the course he's leading our country
Here's borris Johnsons email let's let him know how we feel about the course he's leading our country
What are we doing?
We are sat watching the slow destruction of our once proud nation. We cannot protest, the army is on the streets trying to vaccinate and kidnap our children without our consent.
Our government is a disgrace to the people and a dishonor to att the men and women who have died to keep our nation free. I cannot and will not dishonor them any longer. We need to scale up our digital battlefield here in the UK. Concentrate on breaking the narrative thrown up by msm, use the US momentum to show the people the flaws in our system, destroy their covid narrative with facts.
Hit every platform, chat room and comments section with everything you have. We cannot loose the freedoms our grandfather's spilled blood for.