Boris Johnson make seek to essentially scrap the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom created by Tony Blair in the 2000s, following Brexit controversies last year in which it came to be viewed as politicised.
Prior to Blair’s creation of the Supreme Court, the Appellate Committee of The House of Lords had been, in most respects, the highest “court” in the land, evolving over more than half a millennium from the Curia Regis of the sovereign’s royal court.
Blair’s “botched” reforms broke those ancient links, ushering in something more closely resembling the Supreme Court of the United States — but with the key difference that the British judges are largely self-selecting, with no public hearings or vote on their appointment by elected politicians.
It is now being reported that Boris Johnson’s government is seeking to overhaul the court, believed by some to be behaving too much like a U.S. or European-style constitutional court — incompatible with the British doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty — by renaming it and reducing its permanent membership, according to the Telegraph.