>He is looking more pathetic by the day. This is really fucking sad.
Something tells me you are not enjoying the show
Slow day at Huff Po anon?
You have to man the duty desk from the home office and not much going here?
>He is looking more pathetic by the day. This is really fucking sad.
Something tells me you are not enjoying the show
Slow day at Huff Po anon?
You have to man the duty desk from the home office and not much going here?
Cancer cannot live on ketones
Check out Dr Berg's stuff on YT if any in your network have cancer
Fast and change the diet
You are correct
Cancer is curable and diet drives most of the sickness these days
Check out X22report on twitter
He links to DatElephan on twitter who has the benfords law and statistical anomaly thread
Good stuff
I put it up on muh linked in
I have a friend in Vatican City
Low level errand runner for Cardinal Kitbunchu
Has been to the vault several times helping the Cardinal
Was able to snap this pic on one occasion
What does that have to do with the baker?
Your newfag is showinf
Tweet is it wet yet and tell the silly sud to bounce the servers