Anonymous ID: 187566 April 24, 2018, 12:46 p.m. No.1171817   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1908


Bullshit. The RCC allowed Europe to exist. Otherwise we'd all be Druids or Muslims.


The RCC fell, but the Remnant (the Church) remains. We just don't have buildings and have to hide out to worship, but generations of us have known most of this evil shit (dig on evil dude named Bugnini) all our lives. Our grandparents lived through it. RCC hunts the Church down. Including you Protestants so don't get too big for your breeches. Lest you fall. (Sound familiar? It should.)

Anonymous ID: 187566 April 24, 2018, 12:54 p.m. No.1171872   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1882 >>2320 >>2526


Bullshit. Yes the demonics entered the buildings in early 1900s (and skanky shit before that: as is was in the beginning…) but if you think only the Vatican is compromised




Pray, pray harder, look at half that shit on YT for un-compromised "religion", best you get (seriously) is Queen Evil II with Prince Chuckles singing some Protestant song and I highly question who she is singing to. Real Catholics have known this shit for a LONG time; we "came out of Babylon". In droves!


Take heed ye stand lest ye fall. Read your own Holy Writ (abbreviated) and look out for your "leaders" because they're IN CAHOOTS WITH ROME. Don't doubt it. Bible says watch! Don't chase after every false prophet claiming special knowledge. And it wouldn't hurt you to look into real Church history, of which Christians ARE PART OF but some deny. You might find yourselves shocked that most of this has been prophesied. Stop Divisionfagging. Don't try to Beanz your way into famefag by splintering.

Anonymous ID: 187566 April 24, 2018, 1:12 p.m. No.1171997   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2023


Assuming you're not trying to divisionfag, look at description and comments. This guy's a pagan shill — and his information's simply wrong. Spreading that is like spreading 'Obama's History of America's True Constitution Written By Mohammet.


You're saying you don't believe the Crusades happened? Really?

> la plus belle des ruses du diable est de vous persuader qu'il n'existe pas

That's some Hilldawg shit. Ignore that heretic YT you linked, for your own good. Christians brought peace. Christians have peace. That's what Satan HATES. We're at war with Satan.

Anonymous ID: 187566 April 24, 2018, 1:43 p.m. No.1172264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2294 >>2319


Black vote is really not that big. All votes are important, yes, but they can't swing shit especially in corrupt system.

Go after corrupt system then we talk about demos, right? Hopefully won't be necessary (WWG1WGA): we'll have smaller govt, no nukes, etc.

> But how does Haiti get released without PG? And other things Normies can't handle?

We've got to get them on treason. Remember? 60/40 (or vice versa) but more for those who want to dig? Because most Normies can't handle the truth.


I don't get HAITI DROP. That's wrong unless it's CF drop (misappropriating funds, hopefully linked to treason).

DAE or just me?

Anonymous ID: 187566 April 24, 2018, 1:54 p.m. No.1172355   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thx. The HRC/CF links make sense, can be broadcast without "PG problem" (though we need to deep-six FCC they're comped.)

Will Normies believe spreading AIDS? That encompasses CDC, Red Cross, etc and CF. And PG will be hooked into it.


Q: possible that SUM OF ALL FEARS (movie) executions of black hats is ONLY solution to ultimately drain the swamp without WW knowledge and possible resulting collapse of entire nations?

If that's SUM OF ALL FEARS, that makes a helluva lotta sense. Like anti-Pope says, the evil people just disappear (LMAO!)

Anonymous ID: 187566 April 24, 2018, 2:05 p.m. No.1172455   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2505


They breed out, another one pops up to replace them. Been going on for a long time.

Don't fear: they REALLY can't touch us. Not our souls (what they want); maybe our bodies if we let them, but even with "mkultra", subject has to be WILLING. Sadly, kids can be scared into shit I guess, but we've seen them rise from the ashes. Corey. Maybe Kanye? Chapelle came and went and might be back (but don't bet on it; he might be surprise /ourguy/ ) I never watched Kardashianfags but maybe Kanye had good effect on brainwashed celeb, who knows. Maybe more in Weird (HW) waking up and not to BS "MeToo" but to how suck famehogging life is. ???


What if most of Apprentice ppl are /ourguy/ sleeper cells? None of us should have reg. people to worship, but Normies seem to like "golden calves". Could be helpful red-pill. WWG1WGA yo.

Anonymous ID: 187566 April 24, 2018, 2:17 p.m. No.1172557   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Holy Mother had VEDDY INDERASTING family line that would choke kikes if they took time to read Holy Writ. St. Joseph had legal family line; Virgin Mother has quite the mix and that's why it's detailed in OT. —signed local Catholicfag Anon who is a Christian first-and-foremost.

Prots, do your thumping thing: READ BIBLE you calim Cats don't read. Now you see? Holy Mother was a MIX! God Incarnate descended from 'many lines.


And that's just the beginning…