Anonymous ID: 1c0761 April 24, 2018, 1:05 p.m. No.1171945   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1949 >>1983

Happened to watch the Joe Rogan Experience with Michael Hunter, that guy who carved up a deer in the window of his Toronto restaurant because vegans kept protesting him. Here’s a transcript of part of the video, where they unwittingly talk about adrenochrome. (Not an exact transcript, but pretty close.)






JR: There’s a guy named Chris Cressler, who I’ve had on my podcast before, who’s a brilliant guy. Who is an expert in diet and nutrition who started out as a macrobiotic vegan who had massive health problems who eventually and then became a connoisseur of organ meat, which is probably the most nutrient dense meat in the world.


MH: I love…I love…my favorite thing about hunting is the organ meat.


JR: Me too, man. I love liver.


MH: Liver and the heart, um, I, I went hunting and I came back and I brought the heart back to the restaurant for the guys. You know, I wanted to share with them, like, the experience of eating a fresh kill. Like the heart was still warm when I brought it to work.


And the way I like to do it is like tartar, like mince it up raw, or cook it like a steak. I cut it, you know, horizontally, so that it looks like a tenderloin steak. We all got a buzz like it was a double shot espresso or something. It was just like “whoa” and it’s so nutrient rich, the organ meat.


JR: I had Alexander Gustoffson on the show yesterday. The UFG number one lightweight contender. Big Viking motherfucker. But he gets all his meat from hunting…he hunts red deer from Sweden. We were both talking about when you eat really nutrient-dense wild game, it gives you like a real stimulated effect. Your body’s like “YEAH, GIVE ME MORE OF THIS. GIVE ME THIS.” There’s something in it.


MH: Yeah. It tastes like it’s supposed to taste. You can’t explain it. The taste is totally different. Like, even when we’re buying from these really cool game farms, it’s different…That deer I just shot could be like 6, 7 years old, vs a farm that is like 1 or 2. But again, it’s eating such a diverse diet. My belief is that that’s how we’re supposed to be eating.


JR: Well it’s definitely how we were eating for the longest time. And it is entirely possible that if humans, like, say if you’ve got an isolated group of humans that stuck to a very, very rigid vegan diet for many, many generations, it’s entirely possible that our genes would adapt to that diet and lifestyle. It’s totally possible. The reality of your current physical form is that it’s most likely designed for that. And this is just based on genes and on genetics and on epigenetics and all the various things they’ve…methods that they’ve devised to try to study what makes you a person. Where your ancestors came from and how did your ancestors develop. Did they eat mostly fish?”


Then later:




JR: Well it’s also when you’re looking at what we were talking about before. Like white meat from turkey. Domestic turkey vs wild turkey. When you see cows…these corn-fed cows…this pale meat. This meat is pale because it’s not good for you. It’s more filled with fat, which tastes good, but it’s just not as nutrient dense. When you have a moose steak. You’ve seen a moose steak before, right?


MH: Oh, yeah.


JR: It’s fucking almost like…like…


MH: Purple.


JR: YEAH, like dark, dark purple. It’s dark, man. That’s way different. It’s a way different thing. That cow is just…it’s like the fattest, laziest person. You know? Like if you thought about taking an athlete like Lebron James, who’s just like this super athlete and you compared the composition of his body and compare it to that of some fucking slob who just drinks soda all day and is tired and is on antidepressants and antibiotics and his body is fucking deteriorating rapidly. He’s got arthritis in all his joints because he’s too fat. That’s literally a cow. That’s literally one of these fuckin’ farm-raised, over-stuffed, corn-fed cows. And they grind that fat fuck into a hamburger. And it’s just not the same.


I’m not endorsing eating Lebron James, but I’m just saying there’s a difference in the composition of their bodies. It’s a different thing. It’s a very different thing. I think wild things, whether it’s wild salmon, even wild vegetables, would be better for you.”


Obviously, I doubt they know the implications of what they’re discussing. But if the effect is that strong with a deer, imagine what it’s like when nomming on a person?


Later in the video they also discuss a theory that the Christmas has crazy similarities to people in Scandinavian countries that ate some red and white mushroom and reindeer and how they had to climb down people’s chimneys in the winter because snow covered the door. Apparently, someone wrote a book about it and the Vatican banned it (I think). Worth the watch.