>>1172533 last bread
This ties much of the corruption together regarding the U.S. funding of terrorists under the Obama administration.
19,000 United Bank of Switzerland(UBS) accounts
Names the bad actors, including General Flynn's attorneys who sold him down the river.
This report part of a previous 2012 military whistleblowing report titled shell game and should be immediately used as evidence in the following criminal investigations, State Department approval sale of uranium one after bribery from Russian lobbying involving Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Department of Justice attorney General Eric Holder, Lanny Breuer, Loretta Lynch – Union Bank of Switzerland, Department of Justice and State Department agreement settlement and claim and confiscation of 19,000 private UBS bank accounts in return for the imprisonment of UBS whistleblower Bradley Birkenfeld and illegal payments to the Clinton Foundation from UBS, Covington and Burling and its clients, Saudi Arabia Qatar United Arab Emirates and others. Department of Justice Loretta Lynch issuance of a fraudulent 2% fine to Union Bank of Switzerland in exchange for Clinton Foundation donations from Union Bank of Switzerland. Too big to jail was a political language developed by 2012 in 2012 by Attorney General Eric Holder to conceal these shell game revelations and protect the financial interests of Holder and Breuers former employer Covington and Burling law firm for investigations into u.s. Russian activities relating to the u.s. 2016 presidential election.
Five Democrat National Committee computer file thefts (Awan Brothers), murder of Democrat National Committee technology staffer Seth Rich, six Covington and Burling the law firm representing union Bank of Switzerland and Gulf countries financing terrorism coordinated communication with Hillary Clinton through attorney Stuart Eizenstat and Ginny Reed now on the Mueller team. Both of those attorneys served at Covington and Burling.
So much more!!! I can't believe this guy wasn't killed for continuing to file his reports. However, they attempted to discredit him by having him arrested.