The fact that they've been criminal, or, worse than useless means they haven't been helping.
And I, and many, many other Americans do nor have needed their help ever.
The fact that they've been criminal, or, worse than useless means they haven't been helping.
And I, and many, many other Americans do nor have needed their help ever.
link please
Was with you there, anon
Depends if you want rank
I'd say between 1-2k is a reasonable guess. Then there is the matter of the non-step 'here-only-to-parade' vehicles throughout the demonstration.
Hit and run footage for crowd size
"Drone footage of the hit and run at 11/21/20 MAGA protest in Wauwatosa. You will have to pinch to zoom to see it closeup. See video description. I was standing 5 ft from the car. "
Not only that but we definitely want to get out of these shitty stooge courts. Kick it up!
I think we are under attack. I think the local governments are covering up the nature of these attacks in order to avoid a "Marching Through Georgia" scenario when we find that antifa is hitting soft targets.
Shooting at a mall: 11/20
Freeway shooting on a cop
Getting real hot; we also had them try to run us over at a rally today.
I'm trying niacin to knock some shit feels covid-ey..
Might try the bomb dose. Been sticking with 250-500 and thats flush enough!
no flush, no effect. Must flush. That's a big part of the effect.