Anonymous ID: 0352d2 Nov. 23, 2020, 6:13 a.m. No.11750023   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0153 >>0158 >>0252

Why is Barnes Law pretending to be defending Trump? He's not ourguy based on my observation and research.


He keeps hinting that "someone he couldn't refuse" asked him to come to atlanta to do legal stuff in the election. He's trying to imply Trump hired him, I doubt this.


Barnes says Lin Wood is crazy, he says "everyone I know in Atlanta knows that Lin Wood is crazy." This is a pathetic psychological trick when people say "everyone knows…" it means they need outside reinforcement to their weak statement. Barnes is a total fraud.


Barnes makes it clear in his video last night with Viva Frei that he thinks Q is a blatant disinfo campaign. He says it has pacified people and make us idle while this all happened. I disagree completely, Q has rallied us and caused us to organize and realign with our values. We're holding the line while weak conservatives are accepting Biden's win (he lost). Friend of mine says Q gave us a lighthouse to see in the fog of war. These people show themselves by their actions.


Barnes desperately tries to discredit Sidney Powell. He basically calls her a famefag while he sits there sucking on an unlit cigar wearing a vest. He says he knows where her evidence came from but doesn't think it fits. He says that venezuela stuff is not related. Maybe Barnes is just mistaken, but I don't think so. His career in law has taught him to have narrow scope and I think he's only considering the last six months. Anons see this election as part of decades of corruption. We see Biden cheating to win like we see 9-11 and the virus and the iran deal, a load of horseshit.


Barnes says Trump should come back in 4 years because he'll be in a better position. No faggot, the country will be ashes by then because of Biden's policies, wars, and total breakdown of law and order. We won this election.


Barnes is a fag.


this is the video I'm discussing..
