Anonymous ID: 6891f4 Nov. 25, 2020, 6:08 p.m. No.11789243   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9419

>>11788810 (PB)

I want to encourage you all to focus on TRUTH. Right now you're wasting good time kvetching and worrying and you're feeding the beast.


I decided to start investigating my congressional rep. by doing Q-style digs. What I've found is sick and I now enjoy calling his office and leaving messages.

>Hi Bursima Rob, it's so sad Trump had to call you personally to gain your support. Why is that?

>Hi Rob, it's curious isn't it? Your Johnson & Johnson vaccine trial you claim to be doing. Blackrock is one of your biggest donors. Blackrock holds a majority of Johnson & Johnson stock.


and so forth. Each time I find more evidence of corruption I call his office and make sure he knows I know and that I'm posting / sharing each discovery with everyone I know.


THIS is something YOU can do right now. Each AHA will bring more light. Don't waste your time kvetching and "waiting". Dig your own reps and share your finds. My rep is worth 23 MILLION dollars. Wonder how THAT happened. Starts out worth 8---


This is something YOU (yes you) can do right NOW to let them know we see them.


SHINE the LIGHT in dark corners. Darkness flees from light. NO threats, just "oh hey, look what I found"...truth does not need anger or threats, truth only needs the light.


What will YOU find? Start doing a simple search on who their campaign donors were. Trust me you're going to find murky holding groups on the dirty ones. IE Portman has American Financial Group...Blackrock...this makes peeling off the layers to find WHO is paying them more difficult. Mine was easier because I found Rob's name in Hunter Biden's emails and started there. Don't give up. These Rinos are every bit as much (if not worse) a danger to our REPUBLIC as Joe Biden.


Think of it this way--the most dangerous people come clothed in light. At least Biden is clear on where "he" comes from. Exposing the liars is OUR job. Besides, it will keep you busy! Trump is doing his job, let's do ours!


Maybe once people start doing this we make a RINO EXPOSURE GENERAL and post all our findings there.


follow the money

Anonymous ID: 6891f4 Nov. 25, 2020, 6:13 p.m. No.11789317   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>The Weather Channel app about upcoming Thanksgiving sunspot activity.


The sun shit the bed bigely yesterday. Flying when we have incoming is not a good idea especially if you have health issues.


>>11789022 (PB)


>Well, seems as plausible as anything else. I'll give it a go.

It's hard for people to "turn off" when they believe the next broadcast may reveal…but they never do. You know why people get scared about focusing ONLY on truth? Because you don't get to pick and choose…you can't pray for truth and ask, at the same time for your own lies to be concealed. That's why people can't let go—there's some internal warning signal


truth? nooooo truth for thee but not for meeeee


or my favoite

my lies aren't tearing down a nation therefore my lies aren't….


Well your lies could be tearing down a family or protecting a criminal.


As Above


Anonymous ID: 6891f4 Nov. 25, 2020, 6:16 p.m. No.11789353   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9394 >>9619


Let me ask you this. What possible GOOD can your "worry" do for you right now? Obsessing over one person—bending your brain cells to figure out (IE Barr team good or team evil) listening to endless experts none of whom "agree" with each other.


Do you think that anything you can find on Barr would ever be greater than what the white hats have on him?


All you do is seek out information and "informers" that do nothing BUT feed you what you already beLIEve.

Anonymous ID: 6891f4 Nov. 25, 2020, 6:21 p.m. No.11789419   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Ahhh, the CCP method.

Humm. Perhaps more like the Benedict Arnold method.


Hover hands. Best way to make sure you're never caught in a trap. Too bad he didn't use his good sense to see what his gramma girlfriend is doing to him now. He's a decent bloke.



>there is not much I can do but wait and keep posting inspirational news on social media to rally the troops.


No bro, there's a LOT YOU can do.


See what I did on two days?


Anonymous ID: 6891f4 Nov. 25, 2020, 6:31 p.m. No.11789534   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9753 >>9775 >>9819 >>9827


> If he is bad then he could have been replaced by Trump by now.

Only to be hired by Biden? Haven't you learned anything? Look at Biden's cabinet. KEK…I didn't think anything could be "swampier" than Trump's. KEK each person Trump hired then fired is standing in line waiting for gif. related. There's no way out for Mattis, Kelly, McMasters, Esper Miley, all of these corrupt fuckers…traitors wearing "hero" medals. ALL exposed. Hired, then fired once the sauce was compiled.


let's take a poll

Q said the first arrest would

shock the world


THINK—answer with your list of who you think would genuinely shock the world. SHOCK….

I think these arrests have SHOCK the world potential…

George Floyd

Jeffrey Epstein

(imagine if all this time Barr has been crooked and actually helped fake Epstein's death and facilitated his escape., imagine Barr knows Trump knows. Rock meet hard place.)


And by shock I think Q meant "SHOCK" like ..OMG I had no idea…kind of shock. Soros won't shock anyone—we all know he's evil af. I often entertain myself trying to think of which person would genuinely SHOCK the world. KEK not even the arrest of that vile POPE would be shocking.


it's going to be someone we think is dead….or someone we've firmly believed was "good".

Anonymous ID: 6891f4 Nov. 25, 2020, 6:34 p.m. No.11789586   🗄️.is 🔗kun


No, it's something he ALWAYS does with fans and photo requests. It's called HOVER hands and protects him from allegations of improper touching. Notice you can see his hover hand clearly in both photos. That is by design.



Wait until it starts to dawn on citizens of other countries that maybe they DID NOT vote for the criminals they have in office. CIA has been "electing" foreign governments for 60 plus years now.

Anonymous ID: 6891f4 Nov. 25, 2020, 6:46 p.m. No.11789734   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9779




Look at the pathetic desperate responses. Sad. JAYSUS you people never would have been able to get this far without your "Good Shepherd" and even with that you're falling apart. Literally falling apart. This is unproductive. You think now is hard. Wait until January. You don't KNOW hard yet.


Winning—what Millie is trying to say is that this is WORLD WIDE. You still don't get this. Probably because you're actually responsible. America basically slaughtered other countries while you were playing sleepy time keep up with muh career, muh house, muh $$$ and they did it all in your name. NOW they do it to you and you don't like it? As long as YOU were comfy….grant it you get credit now for leading the charge of wake the fuck up. But the harm we did to others isn't just going to fade away.


isn't that special?


If you think these people are going to go down without a fight, even after Trump is confirmed president (and he will be)….you're insane. This country fully and completely deserves every second of "hard times" coming our way. I bet it will be a VERY long time before you go "sleepy sleepy" again in learned helplessness. Yes we're going to win but it's going to HAVE to be bloody. If you can't understand why, read the "patriot" responses to Millie's tweet. Nothing has really changed you're still operating and coming from a position of FEAR.



Anonymous ID: 6891f4 Nov. 25, 2020, 6:49 p.m. No.11789765   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9804 >>9829


>So I have history on my side as the basis of my opinion. next.

OK. Now I'll ask you again. What possible good can your WORRY do for you?


There are two wolves inside you, a black wolf and a white wolf…which wolf do you feed?




OH shit, niggers gonna riot again. If it's possible this is even worse than Popeye's chicken sandwich.


talk about a conspiracy…LOL bring back the McRib during dangerous times.

Anonymous ID: 6891f4 Nov. 25, 2020, 6:56 p.m. No.11789855   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>A "president-elect" would shock the world.

I know you're going to have difficulty understanding this–but by this time if there is anyone left alive on earth that does NOT know Biden is corrupt af…Biden is not

Mr. Big


his arrest would shock NO one.



Who, exactly, is the victim here? That's like bitching and moaning endlessly that you're a "victim" of censorship because FB and twatter censor you. Imagine being intelligent enough NOT to have a FB account? Own your shit. Imagine hanging on every word out of talking heads…imagine not knowing that control is GIVEN. How many of you sucked Tucker's dick…because he said what you like (for $$$). How many of your linked to NEWSMAX and OAN fervently believing every broadcast—without doing your homework….what have YOU learned? apparently not much. Stop blaming THEM because you're a fountain of endless stupid.


YOU made FB and google the monsters they are. No one held a gun to your head and said JOIN FB or ELSE. FB would be nothing without the YOUS that feed it. The borg would not exist without YOU.

own your shit