Think that is coz she has delved into the Q posts and has adopted a bit of mimickry. It otherwise does send a message to the board. And in that way also communicating with the black hats who monitor both the board and her comms.
Trolling, trolling, trolling
MeRrily on our way.
Think row, row, row your boat and how it can be sung by multiple people in tandem the way it is sung in grade school. Overlapping but in synch and so creating a recognizable harmonic.
The MSM's anti-Q narrative has actually helped prep the way for the Q movement to enter the next phase in support of Q and POTUS.
What has gone on in the battleground states post election day is amazingly refreshing; standing our ground and fighting back on multiple fronts. Giving the state legislators some backbone, too. Not likely to have occurred without the preparations made these past 3 years; and that, too, would not have been possible without the Anons who werked across decades to come to this point in the conflict. I say that last bit in light of Q having advised that they have come to the boards for a reason.
The mask mandates are a form of compelled expression. First, as political expression of political sentime - fealling, fear. People are being coerced to express this sentiment; doing so sends a message to fellow citizens many of whom would concur with dissent that is then disguised behind the mask-wearing.
But also this is compelled religious expression and even a form of 'worship'. The justification for the mask mandate is that the community well-being is a higher priority than individual or group rights. But the requirment, constitutionally, is that this be balance such that the restrictive measure is narrowly tailored and is limited by due process and equal protection. However, at its root, the mandate is not scientific, the evidence shows it is not effective in stopping the spread in the community, and as such is neither narrowly tailored nor implemented under equal protection and due process. You are coerced and due process is pushed aside. The basic mandate is one imposing a quasi-religious or more starkly a superstitious ritual.
Thus your well-being is under assault by the mask mandate. It walks all over constitutional rights, including freedom of religion and conscience rights.
Plus there is a sound argument, difficult to make under duress, that there is an assault on the physical well-being of THE INDIVIDUAL and of THE COMMUNITY. Unfortunately, it is on this basis that most people attempt to resist the mandate.
Look after your rights. GUARD the rights of those who dissent with the official government desire compel expression of political sentiment and exercise of quasi-religious - or superstitutous - rituals.
What kind of bird does she remind you of, Anons???
Defend those who dissent with mask mandates. Stand with them, even if you choose to wear a mask under some circumstances. The first example is tolerance. The second is maskless. The third is encouraging others to not be afraid of each other.
Sometimes you have to show people.