Anonymous ID: 1a2e3b Nov. 27, 2020, 8:35 p.m. No.11814560   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Adamson BBQ Update - "Adam got hit with $50,000 in bail today"



TODAY by Barry McNamar, Organizer

Alright folks, the US dollar issue has been resolved. Your donations are all in Canadian dollars now.

And future donations will be too. That means Adam now has access to 100% of the funds. Less the 10% fee that GoFundMe charges as a withdrawal fee.

Just in time too. Adam got hit with $50,000 in bail today. And your funds will ease that burden.

But his fight is only beginning. He and his family will now go through the Christmas season with the spectre of a January court date and tens of thousands of dollars in fines and legal fees hanging over their heads.

So please don’t stop now. Keep your donations coming. Keep up the shares. Keep up the fight.

Remember, our politicians don’t pay attention to people. They pay attention to money.

So let’s keep building the Adamson BBQ Legal Defence Fund into something too big to ignore.

As I turn this over to Adam and his family, thank you. Thank you so much for pulling together. For your continued donations. For your shares. And for the thousands of kind words.

All of the best to all of you this holiday season. I apologize again for not being able thank each of you individually but 4,000 plus individual thank you notes are a lot for a guy to send.

But thank you again. Thank you so much.

And happy holidays.





Babes at the Adamson BBQ supporting freedom in Toronto!

Show your support, send her encouragement!

When the babes are standing up, it's over for the Cabal.

Freedom ain't free.

Happy TG southern cousins!