Anonymous ID: bad54f Nov. 30, 2020, 5:21 p.m. No.11848539   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8684

Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD. Inventor of Email @va_shiva

Who certifies fraudulent voting systems? Members of Nat. Assn. of State Election Dirs. (NASED), who had @Twitter ban me, per Court testimony, AFTER I exposed MA Sec. of State destroys BALLOT IMAGES. NASED's parent, DemocracyWorks is funded by Rockefellers, Murdochs, Soros. Nice!


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US elections are run by officials shaped by leftwing/globalist professional organizations

Dr. Shiva also mentioned NASED during his Zoom testimony for the AZ hearing today - and not in a good way. Implied they were thoroughly comp'd.




This was also my conclusion after digging on several key organizations for election officials such as Secy's of State and officials at other levels of responsibility:

NASED (Nat'l Assn of State Election officials)

>>>/midnightriders/12119, >>>/midnightriders/12123, >>>/midnightriders/12995

NASS (Nat'l Assn of Secy's of State)

>>>/midnightriders/14092, >>>/midnightriders/14093, >>>/midnightriders/15589

U. of Minnesota's Humphrey School of Public Affiars (Cert. Program in Election Admin.)


CISA Meeting 11-13-2020

>>>/midnightriders/10422, >>>/midnightriders/11728: "Nov 3 election was the most secure in American history"


There is a lot of documentation for the idea all these organization work hand and glove. And with other organizations advancing leftist and globalist causes.

This means that most of the officials currently in charge of our elections are STRONGLY BIASED TOWARDS THE LEFT.

This must change.


Note: Some anons don't like links to /mnr/. Although the stuff above was double-posted, the links are already green on /qresearch/.