#Kraken Release to Dominion Systems Statement on Massive Election Fraud Charged by Sidney Powell
Sidney Powell
December 1, 2020
Dominion Voting Systems has issued a statement responding to lawsuits we filed in Michigan and Georgia. Dominion is lying. This is a massive fraud that has infected the voting system across this country. Evidence continues to pour in on behalf of all the Plaintiffs. Legal votes cast nationwide created a historic landslide for Donald Trump.
Dominion contends that it is impossible for any tampering of the votes on its machines to have occurred. Our evidence proves otherwise. Prior analysis of server logs on Dominion’s machines in Georgia primary elections has shown remote access into those servers in the middle of the night when no election workers were around, possibly by Dominion employees overseas or on behalf of adverse nation-states such as Iran and China. Witnesses have observed what appeared to be Dominion technical support staff connecting remotely to election servers during tabulation of the primary and runoff elections in Georgia to resolve “technical problems” with uploading memory cards. That action violated Georgia and federal law that required certification of the machines and no manipulations.
Dominion also contends that any such tampering would have been revealed by the hand count audit conducted in Georgia. This is not true. The ballots marked by the Ballot Marking Devices (BMD) do not record the vote in a software-independent way. Instead, Dominion’s software is responsible for taking the voter’s machine input and printing it on the paper ballot in a QR code that contains the vote that is read by the scanner, but cannot be read by humans, and a text summary that can be read by humans.
Robust and repeatedly confirmed behavioral research shows that only around 6.5% of voters actually bother to scrutinize the human readable text summary. Thus, more than 93% of these allegedly “voter verifiable ballots” are not in fact “voter-verified” at all. See Exhibit 7 to
the Georgia complaint, Appel, DeMillo & Stark, Ballot Marking Devices (“BMDs) Cannot Assure the Will of the Voters (February 14 2020), p. 11. The authors of this study are highly distinguished professors of computer