cant say thanks enough almostebaker…
this dude gonna keep talkin' smart and she gonna dumby his ass back down
so why didn't you bake?
thats the point, qtard.
they will still be in muesums… even tho they look like dog piss.
>learn to play the game with us
like whoever saves a meme like that and actually uses it..? topkek
you got make up tutorials saved too, beta?
i was just asking a question… after pointing out how real men don't save glittery seal memes.
whats up with the blue hair'd 6 year old, weirdo?
also not letting optics look like he and DJT and anons are 'in cahootz' or 'workin' together' etc..
he is sitting in the middle, watching… exactly where he SHOULD BE…
don't get stuck looking back at the passed, you won't see whats coming in the future…
topkek, my girl likes me to have an IG and pinterest so we can talk.. or I'd be the same way.
twitter is my bitch tho.
not "here" (qresearch)…. but we were here.
its making bread fly, causing bakers to not want to volunteer