It means
YOU dumb
Oh wow
A pentagram
With Taco Bell farts in the center
It means
YOU dumb
Oh wow
A pentagram
With Taco Bell farts in the center
Like you're david Elliot
Oh right
Michigan wants to investigate the male
But won't fix flints water, cause that disrespects Micheal Moore crack laundering
We get it
Micheal Moore is a fleshy walrus of a Jew abomination and works with "frauding god" cults
We will never be able to un-kike the other ten before it either
Not even moe Budlong's sql databases of xenujew laundering frauds could save us from all this subversive rights arbitrage
Even if he was doing another ten years federal
Oh look
Dolls in the dollhouse
And no one is MAKEING fun of your blouse
Or your screen door costume contest
Or you COHIVS from Grindr
David Elliot likes cheese
It's time
To go to sleep Jason
Whrrrrrrs in oval gossip like a bill gehytes bot larpin to butt fuck faggotBabylon in Israel
The Jews are fake
And you want to suck a dick
With pride
How queer
Even for s homicidal idiot
It means
YOU dumb
Oh wow
A pentagram
With Taco Bell farts in the center
David Elliot lusts for hobo sex
David willcock used to torture zoo animals for that "God feeling"
Than did a bunch of drugs
And faggoted
And preached in fake nonsense lies
It wasn't love huh
attention YOASSHOLEFAGGOTS and homogehyanusings
Multicolored sky bilbos
Sent by xenujews
Are spreading gehypride colors
Up your asshole
To profit on the internet hoax
>attention YOASSHOLEFAGGOTS and homogehyanusings
>Multicolored sky bilbos
>Sent by xenujews
>Are spreading gehypride colors
>Up your asshole
>To profit on the internet hoax
The Jews are fake
And you want to suck a dick
With pride
How queer
Even for s homicidal idiot
It means
YOU dumb
Oh wow
A pentagram
With Taco Bell farts in the center
>>Multicolored sky bilbos
>>Sent by xenujews
>>Are spreading gehypride colors
>>Up your asshole
>>To profit on the internet hoax
Bannons big nambla fashion show reveal
Patton betrayed a nation for macabre circus homosexuality
It's just your bots cramming keywords together for "tweaker xenujew tendies seances"
Oh wow
Jews died
And left cuntry
Wonder when China will give us numbers for
Jews died
And left cuntry
>attention YOASSHOLEFAGGOTS and homogehyanusings
>Multicolored sky bilbos
>Sent by xenujews
>Are spreading gehypride colors
>Up your asshole
>To profit on the internet hoax
The Jews are fake
And you want to suck a dick
With pride
How queer
Even for s homicidal idiot
It means
YOU dumb
Oh wow
A pentagram
With Taco Bell farts in the center
Discernment shouldn't be used as a put down , even when your just jacking off to your own synthetic underwear whine
What's wrong with that idiot cross dresser?
Cause you followed the path of doxxa with danielfaggot
And those guards were not paid
140 sins in your bible but your not sure
And a tax hedge
Oh moldy corpse
Oh moldy corpse
Seaorg ships coCIAne to U.K. Trannys through child slaughter island church