Summer Island Invite for Secretary Kerry and family to join us for cocktail party Wed, July 1 5:30 - 8:00
David & Tamera Leiter
Looks like Leiter's company name changed. He was previously:
Prior to joining DOE, David served for seven years as Chief of Staff to U.S. Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts, directing all operations in the Washington, DC and state offices. Prior to his work with Senator Kerry, he served as Chief of Staff to Rhode Island Lieutenant Governor Richard Licht. Previously, David served as Legislative Assistant and principal advisor on budget and appropriations issues to U.S. Senator Wendell Ford of Kentucky. In 1980, Ford became the Ranking Member of the Senate Rules and Administration Committee, and David managed the Democratic staff.
Other connections are shown here:
They’re All Connected – The Biden Clan, John Kerry and Jim Comey’s Spies in the Trump White House
Ukrainian Employer of Joe Biden’s Son Hires a D.C. Lobbyist