>>11883421 pb
Talking about the Lions Gate 8.8?
No coinkidink there is Lions Gate films
Fraud that can't overturn the election could also mean the illegal ballots for Biden after midnight won't overturn Trumps 2nd term. Trump won the LEGAL ballots. Mail in ballots and later extensions, unobserved absentee were all unconstitutional or illegal.
Widespread fraud can be interpreted differently. Any fraud evidence is enough to pause for concern. Where there's smoke there's fire.
Biden 1.0
Anon made it. Looks ok to my eyes.
low info post or troll
Did you miss that Dump of the Corney files? Q even posted it. Re-read drops
Cra cra. Swamp creater. Niggers gonna nig. She made the radar. Same for camarelli (sp?)
I'm off to bed too 8kun is addicting Goodnight anons
That guy is a top kek
"well I wouldn't have voted for him if I knew he was white"