Okay, let's assume we are already operating under Martial Law and nobody knows about it yet. We decide to begin overt ops. What to do?
Maybe appoint a Field General, (a Marine). And a couple unit commanders under him. Including the National Guard (which is Federal now). Call a news conference at a briefing room at the Pentagon. Have the Operational Military only. Include a Sargent Major or 2.
Have them state that they have been given orders to carry out military ops in the Nation.(maybe first make use of JFK's famous speech about the silent enemy). Have them describe some of their coming ops Say they will be making arrests under The Code of Military Justice. Mention antifa & BLM. (note: Commander in Chief Trump will not be addressing the American People at this time, or even his Sec. of Defense)
Pick a good name for the Operation and set up a web site for the American People to see. Provide a contact us option. Maybe also have an outlet like OAN to televise giving people information from the Operation web site.
That's all this front line grunt has at this time.