wonder if that guy in B Bush XMAS photo links to Maurice Strong, if there is a China angle to today's WH Advent Caldenar COMMS?
Introducing Maurice Strong
In my last article “British Hand Behind the Coup” two leading upper level controllers of the empire managing the destruction of the USA were examined: Lord Mark Malloch Brown and George Soros. In this essay, I would like to take the time to investigate a third figure whose 2015 death may have prevented him from participating in the current coup, but whose life’s work still animates world events more deeply than you probably imagine.
Despite having died in 2015, Strong’s life and legacy provide the modern reader a powerful, albeit ugly insight into the methods and actions of the British-Deep State agenda that so mis-shaped world history through the latter half of the 20th century.
It was through this post-1968 role that Strong became the godfather of the modern environmental movement, created the United Nations Environmental Protection Agency (UNEP) and worked closely withMark Malloch Brownas his special advisor and later Soros in the creation of a new post-nation state world order.
Strong’s Failed Attempt to Infiltrate China
From 2000-2015 Strong’s talents were put to use in an attempt to subvert the aspirations of Asian development, and of a Eurasian alliance formed around the driving economic grand design of the emerging Belt and Road Initiative. Strong was deployed to Beijing University where he acted as Honorary Professor and Chairman of its Environmental Foundation and Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Institute for Research on Security and Sustainability for Northwest Asia.
In the face of the meltdown of the Trans-Atlantic economy, the Chinese have successfully resisted the Green New Deal agenda that demanded the submission of their national sovereignty to supranational world order of zero-growth and depopulation. In spite of this pressure, a powerful tradition of Confucianism and its commitment to progress has demonstrated its powerful influence in the various branches of the Chinese establishment who see China’s only hope for survival located in its strategic partnership with Russia and long term mega projects to lift its people out of poverty and into the 22nd Century.
Good read, moar at https://fort-russ.com/2020/11/maurice-strong-and-the-roots-of-the-great-reset-agenda/