Holy fuck test test
Is Jim trying to fake throttle for bitcoin again?
Also it was not a manned moon landing.
Lol even the comments section of gaming youtubers are awake
Even the gaming awards saying the used Dominion machines to vote the last of us 2 over Ghost of tsushima
I see he is still trying to win that key demographic, Dead people
I'm not on twitter so I did my usual codemonkeyz lookup to verify sauce, no results were given to me. Even tried ron Ron Watkins Ron codemonkeyz
The real white supremacist enslaved the white race. They want to be the only whites. That's why racial mixing is pushed so hard on everyone.
Ya I eventually found him but up toll today he was first return on "Twitter codemonkeyz" search
And I haven't used google search in years
This is why nacy Pelosi got a Boob job. This is why boobs posted here 24/7 the oldest jedi mind trick in the book.
Me either, but I saw a 70's photo if her and she was as flat as a cutting board
Nacy Pelosi