Anonymous ID: 3d93c3 Dec. 15, 2020, 5:17 a.m. No.12036388   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6414

>>12036243 pb

And they're getting away with it. The undermining and overthrowing of this country is being done out in the open, in the faces of every American loving Patriot and they give two shits if you know it or not. They have the media and they have the courts. Some republicans too.


I do have to say this. These motherfuckers are brilliant and they are relentless. Driven. They may fail here and there but they will never, ever give up. They're evil, but brilliant. POTUS, Q & Team threw their best at em' or at least what they were willing to do. I keep thinking about drop #36 where Q stated, "we were willing to do the unthinkable". Were they really willing? Don't know how much worse this can get but our national situation is exponentially worse now than it was then.


Can they be stopped? Yes and no. Yes, if POTUS pulls the trigger and declares Martial Law, Insurrection Act invoked, Military takes to the streets for the nationwide round up and starts pounding ass.


No, if the mindset of POTUS and the Generals around him determine the cure will be worse than the sickness. In that case Biden will be sworn in on 1-20-2021 and the country hangs by a tattered thread on Georgia.


Lot to lose, lots to gain. Just depends on how driven, relentless, focused and brutal POTUS, Q & Team are willing to be. The left is ready to drive the final nail. The value must outweigh the risk. I say that it does.

Anonymous ID: 3d93c3 Dec. 15, 2020, 6:06 a.m. No.12036848   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Looks like your brother's birth certificate Malik!!!! We all knew this Big Eared Motherfucker was not born in the United States. But, he was born to a United States citizen. The most lily white woman you have ever laid eyes on. This makes him a citizen but does it make him a "natural born citizen". No, his Father was not a US citizen. First "Black President"? No, first half black, half white president. First mixed race President. Yea, that's right Barry, on top of being a cock sucking faggot, traitor and all round piece of shit, you are also half white. Sorry, truth matters. Words and their meanings matter.

by the way, FUCK OFF.

Anonymous ID: 3d93c3 Dec. 15, 2020, 6:15 a.m. No.12036955   🗄️.is 🔗kun


We're not racist petty liddle anon. You just try real hard to make us look racist by shit'n the board. You are probably the most racist liddle bitch here. You project a lot. Been that way since you got out of kiddie school. Your entire life actually. They got you good. Real good. Now be a good liddle useful idiot and go back to your kiddie bed and suck your thumb because your feelng got hurt reading this. Go ahead. Go on now. THAT'S a good liddle shill.

Anonymous ID: 3d93c3 Dec. 15, 2020, 6:17 a.m. No.12036994   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anons, the faggot that's posting in all caps, red text. Just filter his skank ass. Filter him and he has to wait til the next bread to shit on. Then filter him again. Worthless waste of skin this one.