Anonymous ID: 6c0bad Dec. 16, 2020, 7:13 a.m. No.12051274   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>Get ready for MANDATORY






We were BORN perfect, and the way God intended. MAN MANIPULATED People, are not BORN. They are GMO, Science– Mind Fuckery Experiments.


We are forced to accept ungodly things, by a MANIPULATED PROGRAM, that targets weak minds, who forgot they were perfect, and want to weaken the world GOD CREATED.


Two Genders! BORN. Not Manipulated!

Stand firm. No amount of Mind Fuckery, via name calling as deflection, can change Gods Will.

Anonymous ID: 6c0bad Dec. 16, 2020, 7:19 a.m. No.12051331   🗄️.is 🔗kun

END the CDC! Expose them ALL!


'Like a Hand Grasping': Trump Appointees Describe the Crushing of the CDC


ATLANTA — Kyle McGowan, a former chief of staff at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and his deputy, Amanda Campbell, were installed in 2018 as two of the youngest political appointees in the history of the world’s premier public health agency, young Republicans returning to their native Georgia to dream jobs.


But what they witnessed during the coronavirus pandemic this year in the CDC’s leadership suite on the 12-floor headquarters here shook them: Washington’s dismissal of science, the White House’s slow suffocation of the agency’s voice, the meddling in its messages and the siphoning of its budget.


In interviews this fall, the pair decided to go public with their disillusionment: what went wrong, and what they believe needs to be done as the agency girds for what could be a yearslong project of rebuilding its credibility externally while easing ill feelings and self-doubt internally.


“Everyone wants to describe the day that the light switch flipped and the CDC was sidelined. It didn’t happen that way,” McGowan said. “It was more of like a hand grasping something, and it slowly closes, closes, closes, closes until you realize that, middle of the summer, it has a complete grasp on everything at the CDC.”


Last week, the editor-in-chief of the CDC’s flagship weekly disease outbreak reports — once considered untouchable — told House Democrats investigating political interference in the agency’s work that she was ordered to destroy an email showing Trump appointees attempting to meddle with their publication.


The same day, the outlines of the CDC’s future took more shape when President-elect Joe Biden announced a slate of health nominees, including Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the chief of infectious diseases at Massachusetts General Hospital, as the agency’s new director, a move generally greeted with enthusiasm by public health experts.


“We are ready to combat this virus with science and facts,” she wrote on Twitter.


McGowan and Campbell — who joined the CDC in their early 30s, then left together in August — said that mantra was what was most needed after a brutal year that left the agency’s authority crippled.



Anonymous ID: 6c0bad Dec. 16, 2020, 7:31 a.m. No.12051439   🗄️.is 🔗kun

MLB investigating Omar Vizquel after wife accuses him of domestic abuse


Former shortstop and Baseball Hall of Fame candidate Omar Vizquel is being investigated by MLB after his estranged wife, Blanca Vizquel, accused him of domestic abuse that dates back to his time as a minor league manager in the Chicago White Sox system.


Blanca, who has been married to Vizquel for six years, told Katie Strang and Ken Rosenthal of The Athletic that she started divorce proceedings in August after she fled their shared home and drove 10 hours to a women’s shelter following a “volatile interaction.” But Blanca, who has gone public about her abuse on Instagram and in a televised interview on Telemundo, said that she had been experiencing both physical and psychological abuse from Vizquel for the majority of their decade-long relationship.


Alleged abuse goes back years

Blanca has known Vizquel since 2008 (the two married in 2014), and told The Athletic that he began abusing her not long after they became seriously involved in 2010. Blanca’s sister, Nelly Metler, told The Athletic that she routinely saw Vizquel belittling, denigrating, and mocking Blanca during the nine months she lived with them, calling his behavior toward her “traumatizing.”


Melter and several members of her family witnessed Vizquel strangling Blanca in December 2011, when the couple were visiting for Christmas. Blanca’s screaming had woken the house in the middle of the night, and she claims the incident stemmed from an argument about his infidelity. While he admitted to hitting her and pulling her hair, both signed affidavits acknowledging that they lost control during an argument and charges were never brought.


Vizquel was arrested on fourth-degree assault charges in 2016 when he allegedly pushed her so hard that she fell over backward and cut her leg. Blanca’s injuries were photographed, but the charges against Vizquel were dropped after she sent a letter to the prosecutor saying that she loved her husband and wanted to attend counseling. Blanca told The Athletic that Vizquel threatened to kick her out of the house and “ruin her financially” unless she signed the letter.

