Note to newfags: If the article has the term "baseless" in it, you can count on it being disinformation or propaganda.
Note to newfags: If the article has the term "baseless" in it, you can count on it being disinformation or propaganda.
I concur. As a Wiccan Pagan and a Druid, I'm also a libertarian and a Patriot. Freedom of religion means ALL religions. Nothing in my faith prohibits me from being a free American. I respect others' right to their 1st Am. rights. I expect the same. I'm not here to support a Christo-fascist regime.
Let's put it another way: I DEMAND the same. I don't mind being a minority religion, as long as my rights are respected. A Christian country might be flawed, but its not bad. But when you start vilifying religions, you're going down a slippery slope towards authoritarianism.
Patriots have no skin color. Patriots have no blind obedience. We are Free Men, devoted to Liberty.