>>12069307 lb
>>12069307 lb
I cant stand that Andoid fucktoid.. Hope its him first!
And ill be shorting FB stock!
>>12069307 lb
>>12069307 lb
I cant stand that Andoid fucktoid.. Hope its him first!
And ill be shorting FB stock!
I bet Half the anons use FB…
Never understood why anybody would want to interact with that…. or Twat..
He was only one… We are Many..
Dont be so pessimistic Anon…
I can feel good things habbening.
But as mentioned earlier in thread.. the smartphone tech is a level ahead in terms of always listening.. and being able to bring up a full profile of virtually anyone on the plane at a whim…
at least us neverFaceBookers arent willingly giving them our info ..
I think in this spiritual battle were in that will be quite important.>>12069537
some one throw up some Qposts links.. in currently on Qposts.online but its doing my head in..
I want my original Q posts its on a white B/G
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Not seen that.. funny