Bitcoin goes up cuz perv addicts need their Pornhub fix
And the Bitcoin “experts” come outta the woodwork
Funny reading Jew boys take on Pedocoin
Bitcoin goes up cuz perv addicts need their Pornhub fix
And the Bitcoin “experts” come outta the woodwork
Funny reading Jew boys take on Pedocoin
Yeah….they wanna hide everything
Civil servants are running wild……they need to be slapped down
Your warning
They all got MRSA…..kek
Don’t matter, if FB was on yer device when you bought it, they were logging your info
NOT having social media raises red flags real quick
Cuz everyone on the planet knows your military or something
SCOTUS only mission……fucking up Americans lives
This is how dumb judges are
“Science” defines life as having vital functions
Yet Judges think abortion is a right
Judges are the bottom feeders of ALL society
When was last time a SCOTUS judge was arrested?
Where did some of these clowns get their law degrees
Outta box of Cheerios?
Johnny Roberts helped cover up Clinton crimes
Not a real bust…..just got the kids……Professors suppling all the drugs, in just about ALL colleges
How does a death row guy get virus?
They are basically isolated from rest of population
Have their own guards 24/7
Maybe Nuke department hackers will let everyone know how contaminated the world is cuz them fucking around with uranium.
Kek…….that douchebag attitude is all the Dem/commies have
They act all high and mighty until they get punched in the face