Anonymous ID: 0d51c1 Dec. 17, 2020, 8:15 p.m. No.12074657   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4688 >>4726

I need a lawfag to evaluate an off the hip law-fare tactic


Quick Summary


Im in a somewhat well known town in CA, which are both the town and state declared under a State of Emergency.


Being under an SoE, our Mayor and/or the City Police Chief arrested a mask-less patron and pressed charges, under State of Emergency Law, specifically for the following;





‘’’6-9. Punishment of violations.’’’


It is a misdemeanor for any persons during an emergency to:

(a)    Willfully obstruct, hinder or delay any member of the emergency management organization in the enforcement of any lawful rule or regulation issued pursuant to this title or in the performance of any duty imposed upon such member by virtue of this title.

*(b)    Do any act forbidden by any lawful rule or regulation issued pursuant to this title, if such act is of such a nature as to give or be likely to give assistance to the enemy or to imperil the lives or property of inhabitants of this city, or to prevent, hinder or delay the defense or protection thereof.

(c)    Wear, carry or display, without authority, any means of identification specified by the emergency agency of the state. (Ord. No. 80-20, § 3, 11-3-80; Ord. No. 20-10, § 2, 4-7-20)


What caught my attention was 6-9(b); “such a nature as to give or be likely to give assistance to the enemy or to imperil the lives or property of inhabitants of this city”, specifically give assistance to the enemy.


My question is; with past and recent hospital record leaks proving that many deaths were wrongfully proclaimed, such as the many shooting deaths labeled as COVID, couldn’t this, under the right circumstances, be turned against hospitals who have knowingly and wrongfully labeled such death cases as COVID and charge them with “assisting the enemy” by inflating the death counts? Could also be used to the false positive PCR tests, in a sense, also?