Anonymous ID: cb8624 Dec. 17, 2020, 9:25 p.m. No.12075391   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I watched it.


In the late 19th century the big click baiit of the time was how the poeople were being made ill and poisoned waters etc because NYC had a population of 4million horses. The radicals of the day wanted to ban horses, control who could have horses etc. There was no solution short of government control or tolls/taxes. It was a big municipal budget concern, studies were commissioned by scientists and twin planners on every possible solution - the fate of the city was at stake.


But Henry Ford fixed their worries for them.


And a man who was born in 1909 and grew up to be a lawyer and a D-Day soldier, Senator Caleb Boggs (R), who co-sponsored the Clean Water Quality Act and Clean Air Act etc and confirmed SC Justice Thurgood Marshall, was beaten after 3 terms, in his dottage, in 1972 by 1.4per cent, in Delaware, by President Joe Biden (according to wikipedia).