Anonymous ID: 901920 Dec. 18, 2020, 7:59 a.m. No.12079546   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9628


>>12079094 /lB rePOST:

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Foreign Policy

James Baker blasts U.S. recognition of Moroccan claims to Western Sahara

The former secretary of State said the move would further log jam any hope for

negotiations and could jeopardize American alliances in the region.

By MATTHEW CHO 12/17/2020 07:19 PM EST


Former Secretary of State James Baker blasted the Trump administration for recognizing

Western Sahara as Moroccan territory, writing in a Thursday op-ed the move

"was an astounding retreat from the principles of international law and diplomacy."

"The United States has unwisely abandoned its principles for something that will make no difference

to the position of the international community and to the resolution of the conflict,"

Baker wrote in a Washington Post op-ed.

– "Many U.S. allies and others have already made statements to that effect.

The upcoming Biden administration would do well to rescind this rash and cynical action."

Anonymous ID: 901920 Dec. 18, 2020, 8:06 a.m. No.12079628   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>12079094 /lB rePOST:

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moar on NSA's Inpector General Robert STORCH:

FORT MEADE, Md. — Release No: PA-039-18 Dec. 22, 2017


Admiral Michael S. Rogers, {former} Director of the National Security Agency,

is pleased to announce the Senate confirmation of the President's nomination of Robert P. Storch

as the Inspector General (IG) for the National Security Agency.

Upon the President's signature, Mr. Storch will become the first presidentially-appointed IG for NSA.


>Panic in DC re: Baker confirmed? (3) QDrops: "James Baker testifying

QDrop# 2230 (7) (7)

Panic in DC re: Baker confirmed?

Note IG involved.

Huber >IG (Horowitz)>> Storch


Anonymous ID: 901920 Dec. 18, 2020, 8:41 a.m. No.12079930   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Solarwinds' Orion → Orion the Hunter constellation


Orion the Hunter – King of the Winter Sky

Orion the Hunter is King of the Night Sky


Orion’s Place in the Sky

Located on the celestial equator, Orion is visible across the world.

Often depicted as kneeling; his left hand stretched out,

holding his shield with his right hand holding a club raised above his head.

His right shoulder and left foot are denoted by two bright stars, Betelgeuse and Rigel, respectively.

– Three stars in a distinctive line form his belt.-

The Sword of Orion hangs from his belt, comprised of three stars and a sizeable gaseous nebula.

His hunting dog, represented by the star Sirius, chases the constellation Lepus,

a celestial rabbit found below Orion’s feet.

Orion’s focus appears to be the constellation Taurus, the bull, which looks to be charging Orion.

But his real focus is the constellation Scorpio. Scorpio is on the nearly opposite sides of the sky from Orion,

and they are locked in an eternal chase across the heavens.