Anonymous ID: 505a92 Dec. 19, 2020, 9:32 a.m. No.12093353   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3377 >>3436 >>3630 >>3748 >>3839 >>3892

Official review shows MI6 agents engaged in 'serious criminality' abroad, as tribunal reveals agency is also free to break UK law

Dec 19, 2020


What a shocker…


While debate rages over controversial spying legislation in the UK, other disclosures indicate British spooks have long been secretly free to commit crimes with impunity anyway.


There has rightly been intense controversy over the Covert Human Intelligence Sources (CHIS) bill in recent months.


The legislation would enshrine in law the ability of undercover operatives – both employees of British state agencies and their informants – to not only commit extremely serious crimes, up to and including rape, torture and murder, but also insulate them from criminal prosecution and civil actions for doing so.


However, for all their at times fiery condemnation, few if any mainstream critics acknowledged that the UK intelligence services have been allowed to commit crimes with impunity for some time.


Since the early 1990s, a once-secret policy dubbed ‘third direction’ has permitted MI5 to participate in crime to “secure or maintain access to intelligence that can be used to save life or disrupt more serious criminality, or ensure the agent’s continued safety, security and ability to pass such intelligence.”


It also grants MI5 authority to make representations to the police or Crown Prosecution Service advising against the prosecution of agents for criminal activity on ‘public interest’ grounds.


Moreover, Section 7 of the Intelligence Services Act 1994 – nicknamed the ‘James Bond clause’ – provides legal amnesty for MI6 operatives to commit abroad what would be crimes at home, as long as these activities have been authorised by the Foreign Secretary.


In essence then, all the CHIS bill will do is amend the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 to codify in statute existing informal powers, while officially extending them beyond MI5, MI6, GCHQ and Special Branch to, among others, the Competition and Markets Authority, Food Standards Agency and Department of Health and Social Care.


The legislation is currently under consideration by the House of Lords, where it has received a less than welcome reception in several quarters. Among others, former Labour MP Peter Hain, himself surveilled by the state over three decades, gave an incendiary speech, noting many instances in which British spies “were on the wrong side of justice, the law and history.”…



Anonymous ID: 505a92 Dec. 19, 2020, 10 a.m. No.12093650   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Gold Vs Bitcoin & The Death Of Money

Sat Dec 19, 2020 3 hrs ago


2021 is likely to be a year of awakening. This is when the world will start to realize that the $280 trillion global debt has no value and will never be paid back…


But even worse than that, of the $280t a staggering $200t has been created in the last 20 years.


Let’s say that it took 2,000 years to go from zero to $80t in 2000. It doesn’t really matter where we start counting since most of the $80t debt was created after Nixon closed the gold window in 1971.




Looking at the other side of the balance sheet, there will be an even bigger shock for investors and property owners as debt implodes. Because asset valuations are a function of the debt. And if debt implodes, which is inevitable, so will asset prices.


This is why prices of stocks, bonds and property will implode by more than 95% in real terms (gold) as I outlined in my article last week.


So it took just under 2000 years for global debt to grow from zero to around $5 trillion in 1971. Thereafter it took 29 years to year 2000 to grow by $75t to $80t. That was the exponential phase.


And now we are in the explosive phase with debt growing by over $200t in 20 years.


Anyone who can’t see what is happening is either blind or hasn’t studied history.


+$5t – 1,971 years – Year 0 to 1971


+$75t – 29 years – Year 1971 to 2000


+$200t – 20 years – Year 2000 – 2020


We saw exponential debt expansion 1971 to 2000. Since then the growth has been explosive.



The next phase will be hyperinflationary and that is likely to start in 2021. Just look at the graph and table from the Weimar Republic.


Gold was 170 marks in Jan 1919, 1,340 marks in Jan 1921, 3,976 Jan 1922 and 372,000 marks in Jan 1923.


By November 1923 gold was 87 trillion marks!


This is what happens after a debt explosion when money dies. We have had the debt explosion AND THE DEATH OF MONEY WILL NOW ACCELERATE.


Remember the dollar is down, 97% since 1971, (in real terms or gold), and down 85% since 2000.


So the hyperinflationary phase could start in 2021, 99 years after Weimar. Or will it be in 2022 on the 100 year anniversary?


Hyperinflation is a currency event. This means that it arises not as a result of rising prices but due to the collapsing currency. The dollar index is already down 12% since the March high. The combination of the Covid crisis, debt explosion and money printing could easily start a dollar waterfall in 2021. This would mean that hyperinflation starts. And just look at history (which you can read in the table above) and you can see that once it starts it goes explosively fast…



Anonymous ID: 505a92 Dec. 19, 2020, 10:12 a.m. No.12093800   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3839 >>3892

Gowdy: Nasty Nancy Can’t Find a Single Democrat Who Didn’t Date a Chinese Spy

Dec 19, 2020


Former House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy blasted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi after she kept Rep. Eric Swalwell on the House Intelligence Committee despite reports he was compromised by a Chinese Spy.


“There are 230 [House] Democrats, and you mean to tell me she cannot find a single one that didn’t date a Chinese spy?” Gowdy told Fox News host Martha MacCallum.


“He berated Jared Kushner and Donald Trump Jr. for meeting with a Russian lawyer — not dating one, meeting with one,” Gowdy recounted.


“And then he berates Devin Nunes for a phone call with Lev Parnas, and he calls the president an agent of Russia.”


Swalwell has so far refused to confirm whether he had sex with Fang.


“Meanwhile, for four years, the guy is not smart enough to know he’s being played by a Chinese spy?” Trey asked.


“That’s the best Nancy Pelosi could do? At 230 members, the best you can come up with is a former city councilman in California who’s not smart enough to know when a woman is expressing interest in you, [whether] she’s a spy?”


“Unfortunately, I know him. This is the same guy that ran for president, so he’s not known for his self-awareness,” Gowdy added.


“I need to hear from the FBI and the director of national intelligence. What did you all have?”


“I mean, you went to a sitting member of Congress [and] said, ‘Look, you probably should not be having any new faces in your life.’ What did they tell him?“


“And I don’t think Swalwell has denied having a relationship with her [suspected spy Fang Fang]. He said it was classified.”


“I’ll be damned if I know what that means: All you’ve got to say is ‘I didn’t sleep with her,’ Eric. That’s all you got to say.”