Anonymous ID: ca4cfb Dec. 19, 2020, 9:50 a.m. No.12093541   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3559 >>3748 >>3839 >>3892

>>12091754 pb


Timeline of SAP regarding Clinton Emails


December 1, 2015: Priestap was promoted to assistant director of the Counterintelligence Division at FBI Headquarters (FBIHQ) in Washington, DC., who then played a key role in the investigation of the Trump campaign for colluding with Russia in 2016, while knowing Trump organization's contacts with the Russians had been set up by the FBI. He had replaced Randall Coleman, who had been the ADCI.


May 18, 2016: FBI filed a document describing certain Clinton e-mail information they sealed as being "SIM". This was released on August 2, 2019 as page 18 of a vault FBI release. It reads as follows [bracketed and highlighted mine]:


"The captioned investigation is highly sensitive and considered a prohibited investigation. Additionally, the investigation is designated a SIM [sensitive information matter] and has an exemption for uploading approvedby AD Randall Coleman[REDACTED] Serial 1).


"To provide an electronic record, this document will serve as a placeholder within Sentinel [in which FBI stores their memos, and which has now been compromised with the hack] so a document serial number can be assigned. The original document and any associated 1A envelopes have been manually drafted and approved. The original approved and serialized documents are stored in a physical case file. This case file is secured in a certified SCIF [sensitive compartment information facility] located at [REDACTED] and available for inspection upon request. Requests for inspection will need to be approved by the Assistant Director of Counterintelligence Division."


Coleman was made the executive assistant director from his former AD position as of Dec. 1, 2015.However, it was Coleman who had exempted the SIM which was the Clinton emails from uploading while he had been the AD.He had to have made this exemption on or before Dec. 1, 2015.


Priestap was later to say that it was Coleman who had “set up a reporting mechanism that leaders of that team would report directly to him, not through the customary other chain of command” in the Clinton email investigation–nice! Priestap retained that model upon replacing Coleman. With this arrangement, Strzok could report directly to Priestap rather than follow the usual chain, however, Strzok was basically running the show. This model would also be used for the Russia collusion case later.


Another interesting thing on the timeline, a month after Priestap was promoted, replacing Coleman:


January 15, 2016: John Giacalone, head of FBI's NSD, retired because the Clinton investigation was thwarted.


This little tidbit could be indicating that one of Coleman's last acts as AD was to place the exemption on the SIM files,after which they could only be accessed by permission from Priestap, his replacement, who would certainly never do so.


Now, relative to the date of May 18, 2016 when the exempted SIM was said to be filed, noting Coleman's exemption and how it could be accessed and investigated by approval of the AGwhich at the time of this date was Priestaplet's look at things occurring around that May date of the filing. You will note they are now acting boldly with the SIM material having been sealed by an exemption against placing it in the FBI's Sentinel filing system, and with Priestap positioned as the AD, the only one authorized to allow it to be seen:


May 2, 2016: Before he even interviewed Hillary Clinton or others about the email case, Comey wrote an exoneration statement.


May 3, 2016: Paul Combetta, Clinton's computer guy is not charged after admitting he lied about deleting emails using BleachBit.


May 9, 2016: FBI interviewed Cheryl Mills, receiving immunity, limited search of emails, and allowed to destroy her laptop.


May 24, 2016: FBI's Strzok interviewed Heather Samuelson re: Clinton e-mails. Samuelson’s lawyer advised her not to answer questions about her action memo of Dec., 2014. She is ultimately given immunity to spill her guts. What she spilled was of course sealed. Too bad, nothing to see.


May 28, 2016: Strzok interviewed Cheryl Mills.

Anonymous ID: ca4cfb Dec. 19, 2020, 10:02 a.m. No.12093672   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3748 >>3839 >>3892



The timeline is my own research, however, the SAP filing I got from the FBI Vault release. I do not have the link from which I found it when it was released. I don't remember how I found it, and I don't know how to find it again.


There is this link about Coleman's involvement: