(Anon says with a yawn and a snuggle under the down comforter on his (KEK) bed…but fingers furiously typing reply)
I drank coffvee after 12.
(Anon says with a yawn and a snuggle under the down comforter on his (KEK) bed…but fingers furiously typing reply)
I drank coffvee after 12.
Anon seriously loves these Christmas pepes. Would it be cool to print and make Christmas ornaments?
We could send a set to potus for his and the wifeys tree.
Oh take meeeeee!
Tried to find link for ya but couldn’t. In fact- google won’t even return a url with newsmax in the address when searching.
Oh my gosh! Thank you for sharing that.
When POTUs says “Jesus” you can tell he knows Him personally.
Anon in tears. Need smoke break.
(Saving offline on the way to the porch!)
Pee pee activate!
Could be a good move next time I hit up the Walmart… well that is if I had a big one. Mine is microscopic! KEK!
Old miss LSU game?
Grace needed. Armor effective.
Chipped polish is the most disturbing.
Also note- wrong placement for shot.
And sharp left on the table.
Police escort?
It’s the chipped part that’s upsetting.
Gel polish doesn’t chip. She is unevolved and inexperienced.
Lying… interdasting.
Did you ever consider that if you were speaking to a non- rat and a smart one at that-
They might know you were lying and using it for identification purposes?
Like code?
Music relevant
If I were him I would.
And ya know what?
Thanks for sharing that. Autistic anon needs people skills <3
Are these your thoughts or copy pasta from da other anons decide?
This honestly sounds like truth.
Was not mad. Just a tiny bit triggered, sarcastic Shelly reply. Working on it. But never ever for one sec felt unloved (no homo).