>>12098535 (lb)
Why hasn't a patriot in the SS released a picture or video depicting Michael Obama's package? Don't you think a schlong pic would awaken the normies,
>>12098535 (lb)
Why hasn't a patriot in the SS released a picture or video depicting Michael Obama's package? Don't you think a schlong pic would awaken the normies,
How do we know that's Jew-mer?
I am never shaking anyone's hand again. Never meeting clients in an office again, either. If people want yo meet me, walk your as a thru a metal detector, at the courthouse, and I'll get us a conference room.
Im.sad to see that Flynn shook Alex Jones hand. FFS, General Flynn, don't shaker anyone's goddsmn, hand.
Shut, now I'm worrying about General Flynn….
Can't afford to go to DC. THE CHINKS AND COVID BROKE ME.
I'm not, at least not today. It's the anniversary of the death of a loved one and I'm fucking upset today.
Thank you, anon. It's not. I'm usually better than this. I'm actually waiting for my favorite blanket to come out of the dryer so I can curl up with my 7 rescue dogs and get a little rest. Just decided to pop in here and see if we kicked our enemy's asses yet today. I guess I'm a little disappointed that our world's not all back to normal again, yet. Thank you, fren. Just heard the dryer buzz. Goodnight.
Thank you very much to the silly sonofabitch who posted this KAREN TRUMP pic. First time I laughed all day. Thank you, you wonderful bastard, you. Goodnight.