I'm going to go ahead and put you on the "brink" list.
…and….Done….list turned into a spreadsheet so things are looking good.
Chin up anon.
Just about there.
Infiltration from within….
Most of these companies are crap and their "culture" is crap.
Working independent contracts.
We are going to need a shit ton of reverse engineer types, security and peeps that can source information. Once this boom hits….everything changes.
Is that what one would consider a "cloud burst"?
Water has always been though of as knowledge.
Intel agencies and cloud providers. Bust of information lost. Declass
Its all rigged and we are not in the "club". Up is down and down is up. Looking forward to cleaning house WW!
Cheers anon
Term limits and better audits on candidates family members. We can vet these people so much better than we are doing now.