>Profit is ordained by nature
Why is it so difficult to understand that interest exists outside of nature?
Finance should NOT be an industry. You're not talking about lending coin, you're talking about lending corn because exactly what i'm saying is infallible.
If there is less coin in circulation than is due to be paid back, that is inequity. Someone will not have the coin to pay back the loan. That margin of difference is formed by interest. Money should not be an industry. It was created as a placeholder of value, not value itself. There is no value in intangibles. You can't hold them, you can't see them, but for some reason you are all convinced there is some mystical value in it because a big building exists and a bunch of men employ people to lend out "nothing"
How is this hard?
It's not even arguable. There is no argument against it. Even what you're trying to put forth here doesn't even cover what I'm talking about. You're talking about commodities trying to give an argument based on the asset while I'm talking about the interest attached to the asset. They're 2 different things. Any form of interest on an asset creates a thing that is NOT the asset, it is a fiction. A fairy-tail that requires you to pay back a sum of your real asset for that very fairy-tale.
You have 100 barrels of corn, you get 100 barrels of corn worth of coin. in bizarro world, you somehow have convinced yourself that you should be able to get 150 barrels of corn worth of coin for your 100 barrels of corn because you're creating a fiction market. NO. your corn will be worth 100 barrels of corn regardless of the fiction you try to attach to it and you will find that out when you go to pay back your fiction with your real asset that doesn't exist until you run out of assets because you are paying back a fiction and you can never pay back an imaginary fiction because it doesn't exist.