>What is that suppose to mean?
ever hear of google? police radio code for someone with mental issues
>What is that suppose to mean?
ever hear of google? police radio code for someone with mental issues
im defining what 5150 is, relax dude
I know you arent assuming i know nothing,, oh wait.
The minute bush was place in the presidency i had a premonition that bad things would happen, told my boss and co workers about it. 11 months later she was 10 blocks from ground zero, when she came back I qoted her reply back to her when she said " i dont think anything will happen in my lifetime" her jaw dropped, The day of the attack my gut hunches were boiling overtime, and it was confirmed when ONE reporter said on live TV " this reeks of corruption at the highest levels of government" THAT was buried.
By gut hunches ive known this shit for decades, for the last 20 years ive been digging into it, being called crazy by the extended fams and my uncle who actually got pissed when i said it was a planned thing by the USA and Mossad.
I think a minority of cops are fuckwits, i mean they were disciplining cops and sheriffs nation wide over Q badges. Local cops here are VERY informed about adrenochrome harvesting, very informed about trump trying to bust his way to the top of the child sex traffickers. They arent all bad, its the fucking vainglorious shitbags above them that need reigning in
>And by the way, gut hunches is discernment, when you are proven right like you have been should exemplify that you are not crazy or delusional but actually are a honest person with extra-ordinary perceptions.
>This is why I can pick out Illuminati people easily. Before covid, the cops thought I was crazy and tried to institutionalize me for warning on Dec 27th last year.
>Now 2000 of them are injured and 12 of them are dead.
>You'd think they would apologize or clear my name? They are the Illuminati.
I get dreams too. Ive detailed them on another thread. In my view the spirit knows all and reveals all but to honest people who wont deny the gift. I would like to hear what you sensed on dec 27th tho
the day i found a quran in my driveway, i called police, a couple years earlier i had found quaternary cyanide on my door, i was bashing islam :), anywho thats all been reported.but I went to the er as i was feeling weird and really not well i told the er doc all about it, he checked my blood no issues, then called a state shrink, i wound up in the psyche ward for 3 days lol so yeah ive seen those people , makes my heart sad
best strategy as a person getting messages is just hand them out with no targets I wouldnt post directly to potus anywhere but twitter, anything more aggressive could be seen badly but i did tell gretchen whitmer she violated her oath and as such has no standing in her elected position yet she holds on as an anti american aggressor