They even said that blacks in the US were way more susceptible to this virus.
Had a good laugh over this back in April:
And here we are in fucking December with half the world still wearing masks like morons.
What's really going to bake your cookie, later on, is when you realize it works the other way around as well.
Forget the glass bottle. Someone tell him about Jesus before he suffers an eternity in Hell.
If it's already signed, what's it matter?
Constant civics lesson. Our congress, in the bill, designated monies to leave the country while shunning our own people. @POTUS publicly declared our own people needed more money, while signing it anyway.
If you are making a livable wage for a single person (anything over 75k a year), you don't get as much. If you make over 95k, you get jack shit. So basically, people that are making up a majority/lion's share of current taxable earned income, the people that got fucked on the last tax plan, you get another shaft with this bill.
So you could imagine there's a chunk of majority taxpayers that are getting about sick and tired of getting fucked from both sides.