Anonymous ID: 80e39c Jan. 4, 2021, 9:30 a.m. No.12311362   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1373 >>1405

Mexico Offers Political Asylum to Julian Assange After UK Judge Blocks US Extradition


Mexico’s President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said during his daily press briefing that Mexico is prepared to offer political asylum to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.


The offer comes shortly after UK Judge Vanessa Baraitser denied an extradition request by the US government on the grounds that Assange would not be prevented from committing suicide in our prison system.


The US prosecutors have 14 days to appeal the judge’s decision and has said that they plan to do so.


“I’m satisfied that Mr. Assange has the intellect and determination to circumvent the suicide prevention measures, as Professor Kopelman posted, Mr. Assange would not only find a way to suicide, but he it will be executed with the single-minded determination of his ASD/Asperger’s,” the judge said in her ruling on Monday. “Facing conditions of mere total isolation, and without the protective factors which mitigate his risks at HMP Belmarsh, I am satisfied that the US procedures would not prevent Mr. Assange from committing suicide.


“For those reasons, I’ve decided that extradition would be oppressive by reason of Mr. Assange’s mental health and I order his discharge under section 91 of the extradition act 2003. The United States has 14 days to appeal,” the judge concluded.


President Obrador called for Assange to be released last January, to end his torture in detention.


“I don’t know if he has recognized that he acted against rules and norms of a political system, but at the time these cables demonstrated how the world system functions in its authoritarian nature,” Lopez Obrador said in response to a question about Assange at a regular government news briefing last year. “Hopefully consideration will be given to this, and he’s released and won’t continue to be tortured.”


Assange’s lawyers are attempting to get him released from prison now, despite the appeal window, and a bail hearing has been set for Wednesday.

Anonymous ID: 80e39c Jan. 4, 2021, 9:31 a.m. No.12311378   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1443 >>1444 >>1449 >>1540

Project Veritas: Warnock Staff Admits Candidate’s Bias Against Police, “Police Officers Are Not All Good…Most of Them Are Bad, WE Know That”


O’Keefe strikes again!


Project Veritas released undercover video of Raphael Warnock’s staff admitting the Democrat Senate candidate’s bias against the police.


The Georgia twin senate runoff election takes place Tuesday, January 5th and the stakes could not be higher.


The Democrats are currently trying to steal both Georgia Senate seats in order to install radical leftists and take control of the Senate.


Georgia Democrat Senate candidate Raphael Warnock is a dangerous Marxist.


“Police officers are not all good, you know what I’m saying? Most of them are bad, WE know that,” Raphael Warnock’s campaign staffer Sasha Williams is heard saying on undercover audio.


Another campaign staffer said Warnock avoids using the phrase ‘defunding the police’ so he doesn’t get attacked, but his goal really is to defund the police.


“He avoids using defunding the police…in reality his whole platform is along the lines of the same people saying defund the police,” another staffer admits to Project Veritas.



Anonymous ID: 80e39c Jan. 4, 2021, 9:34 a.m. No.12311411   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1449 >>1502 >>1540 >>1553

Congress Approves Rules Regulating Jan. 6 Electoral Vote Count


The House of Representatives and the Senate on Sunday adopted rules that outline how the counting of Electoral College votes will take place on Jan. 6.


The rules were passed without recorded votes. Instead, a voice vote was used in both chambers.


The guidance, introduced by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), says the chambers will meet in a joint session on Jan. 6 presided over by Vice President Mike Pence.


Pence, as president of the Senate, will open “all the certificates and papers purporting to be certificates of the electoral votes,” the rules state, a nod to how seven states sent so-called competing electors, or certificates for both Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and President Donald Trump, to Washington.


The certificates and papers will be opened, presented, and acted upon in alphabetical order, starting with Alabama.


This is when dozens of Republicans—50 representatives and 12 senators, according to an Epoch Times tally—are planning to object to some certificates, alleging election irregularities including voter fraud and failure to follow state election laws.


That will trigger a withdrawal from the joint session and a two-hour debate, followed by votes in each chamber. Only with a majority vote from both the House and the Senate would a challenge be upheld, which even supporters find unlikely, considering Democrats who control the House and Senate Republican leadership, including McConnell, have expressed disapproval with the plan to object.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) in a letter to colleagues on Sunday noted that objections can happen but said, at the end of the day, Biden “will be officially declared the next president.”


“On Monday, we will have a clearer picture of how many state votes will be subject to an objection. Our choice is not to use the forum to debate the presidency of Donald Trump,” she added.


Reps. Ron Estes (R-Kan.), Tracey Mann (R-Kan.), and Jacob LaTurner (R-Kan.) said Sunday they will join in the objections, saying in a statement that several states are “facing serious allegations of voter fraud and violations of their own state law.”


“This action is not taken lightly and comes after extensive study and research. Kansans deserve to know that all legal, and only legal, votes were counted. We hope our actions begin to restore the confidence of tens of millions of our fellow Americans that feel their sacred right to vote is under attack,” they added.


Reps. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Richard Hudson (R-N.C.) also announced Sunday they’ll object.

Anonymous ID: 80e39c Jan. 4, 2021, 9:35 a.m. No.12311425   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1449 >>1540

Israeli PM Netanyahu claims Iran's uranium enrichment to 20 percent is bid to develop nukes


Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu has accused Iran of working to develop nuclear weapons, after Tehran claimed on Monday that it has resumed uranium enrichment to the 20-percent level at its Fordo site.


"Iran's decision to continue violating its commitments, to increase the level of enrichment and advance its abilities to enrich uranium underground cannot be explained in any way other than the continued implementation of its intention to develop a military nuclear program," Netanyahu said in a statement.


A spokesperson for the Iranian government, Ali Rabiei, told the Mehr News Agency on Monday that Tehran was pursuing uranium enrichment to a purity of 20 percent, which is lower than the 90 percent weapons-grade level, but is still a breach of the 2015 JCPOA nuclear deal.


Last month President Hassan Rouhani accused of Israel of being behind the assassination of top Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, who was killed in late November 175 kilometers from Tehran.


Earlier in November, Netanyahu had warned against Iran's nuclear program, urging against any return to the nuclear deal abandoned by US President Trump in 2018, and instead calling for an "uncompromising policy to ensure that Iran does not develop nuclear weapons."


The Israeli PM has previously given elaborate presentations on what he said is Iran's secret "nuclear weapons development site" at Abadeh in the south of the country.