Anonymous ID: c67db6 Jan. 4, 2021, 9:39 a.m. No.12311487   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1561


Q actually introduced very little that wasn't already common knowledge among the "conspiracy theorist" types, what this little experiment was successful at the most was getting this knowledge out to a wider audience. Moms on twitter didn't know about Epstein blackmail rings and how to follow the paper trails of corrupt politicians 5 years ago, now it's all they talk about. This has given a lot of people their first taste of just how unwell our world truly is.


However, you are correct in that it isn't enough. People, when faced with a reality-shattering lie, automatically try something just as believable to make their transition out of the lie easier. Usually it's another lie. Many lack discernment still, and take people like Lin Wood at their word because hey, he's telling me what I want to hear so what's the harm?