Anonymous ID: fd75bf Jan. 4, 2021, 8:59 a.m. No.12310966   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1547

Last night I read the story of how it's always windy beside a certain church in Rome . . .

interesting story the wind was told to wait for the Devil, as they were travelling together.

this is supposed to have happened a long long time ago, the Devil went into the church because he had a meeting with the Je su its in dare.

well The Wind is still waiting for that meeting to conclude.

from Secret Rome, a small tome worth a read

Anonymous ID: fd75bf Jan. 4, 2021, 9:11 a.m. No.12311109   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So if I do travel it'll be with this story:

"I have a self published site and I am 'working' the 'poltical protest' so you have no authoritae to do anything more than show me your cheery eyes and wish me well in my travels or assist me should I need you too, sir or maddam or whatever you prefer to be called."

if you book in Md they might say '10 daze at the BaccchhhQue of the Buzss' to the detention quarantine facilitattatae unless you have an authorizzed by my pension funds test for the phake-en-gay virus.

that even if you get the test it means nothing except it enriches those who give it or provide it.


anyway, so ya, if you stay in PA or MD and even NJ you need to be worried about hassles. (wait, I didn't find out about NJ

only VA seems hassle free but they still have the brain-dead 'you must wear a mask inside' requirement.


if you are on business they give you a pass in MD and PA but not sure about NJ.


the point of the 'free commerce' clause is so that we don't have to deal with this.

as it is I have to buy a card to use the subway and give them money up front . . .

or to park and face the question 'mame, where is your test result'.


I have a quilting website and I'm doing business research on patriotic quilt designs so I'm on business travell and you can't harm me.


but they don't want to harm me.


all the quarantine and test requirements are uncivil hazing.


I run a fishing website and I'm doing reserach on trout at the Reflecting Pool because I heard it's going to be the national surfing tidal pool slash national trout pond when renovations are done and toxic waste sites removed from local buildings nearby and in the view of better buildings, needing to have expanded basements like they would do in the old world (just build it into a vault and build on top of it.


we could do a recreation of the Pallantine Hill circa 300 AD . . . complete with a hipodrome and a surfers pool . . .

and a 'Graftaneum': with monuments to various grafts, grifts, and shameful appropriation shinanagins . . .


is it a Griftnaeum of a Graftnaeum?

Naeum, niaum? you can call the whole thing off but the people still want fair elections.

Anonymous ID: fd75bf Jan. 4, 2021, 9:17 a.m. No.12311194   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So years from now will they make a Cannonball run type movie about all the people who are road tripping to WAshington DC tomorrow night and how just make it in time to see . . .

well only some people know that, I sure don't.


If I can't get there I'll send my prayers and be vigilant during it and watch it live.

Anonymous ID: fd75bf Jan. 4, 2021, 9:39 a.m. No.12311478   🗄️.is 🔗kun


provides a definition of 'Real Time' in an odd and new context, dissassciated from it's use traditionally to specify a particular type of control plane for use in . . . specialized applications of critical infrastructure.