Anonymous ID: e49e26 Jan. 4, 2021, 3:17 p.m. No.12315874   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6073 >>6226



check this shit. doubt it's related but saw it while looking up RYAN DARK WHITE


1990 Michael Jackson & Donald Trump Visit Ryan White's Family the Day Ryan Died


April 8, 1990 - Michael Jackson asks friend Donald Trump to fly him to Indiana to be with Ryan White's family the day Ryan died.



media: Can we get a comment.

Trump: Well…it's a shame. He was a great boy and we're going to do anything we can for the parents..a wonderful mother.

media: Michael?

Michael: I'm mourning a personal friend.


media: (prompting Trump)

Trump: Not now.

media: Donald, why did you come?

Trump: Not now, thank you.

Trump to Jeanne White: (kisses her) Love you, sweetheart.

Trump shakes Michael's hand.



Ryan's mother, Jeanne White opens the door, falls crying into Michael's arms and says: "He wanted to see you." Michael replies, "Ohhhhhhhh." Jeanne says, "Yes, he did.."

They all walk inside the house.



Jeanne White has said that when Andrea took Michael out to see the car he'd given to Ryan, and Michael heard that Ryan's last music that he was playing in his CD player was MJ's music…Jeanne said Michael was struck by that fact. That is why he smiled here.



**This raw video is out of sequence. The end part shows their arrival at the airport before going on to the house.



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Being shared for historical, educational purposes only.