>They dumped all their ballots early, look at the digits of mail in and early votes.
>Huge vote jumps for Dems fix is in
faggots, all of them
>They dumped all their ballots early, look at the digits of mail in and early votes.
>Huge vote jumps for Dems fix is in
faggots, all of them
>twenty hours straight?
I handed off to him this morning at ~5am PST
it is now 8:30pm PST
that is 15 hours and 30 minutes so far
and pretty par for the course
I have been lurking since I woke back up again around 1pm pst
seems like the same person to me
>BK said he'd take over in a couple hours (more like 1 hour from now).
yes, I did
coming up
>coming up
>Doing well doc?
doc is a /comms/ nigger OSS
you know that
Q Research General #15747: Georgia - Different Election - Same Cheats Edition
>>12335317 OP - Doodle
>>12335346 Dough - Doodle
>>12335406 (me)
>>12335442 Doodle
>It's been very fast today. Good to see you.
>>12335493 (me)
>-still 1-2 hours at before I can take the helm
>making dinner right nao
>>12335560 Doodle
>I'll be back to spell you at normal time. These are the days that we'll remember for a long time. No worries on this end. No problem finishing out tonight.
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re-post next bread please