Then why are you still here?
This is what someone who is afraid does. Good. You should be afraid.
Then why are you still here?
This is what someone who is afraid does. Good. You should be afraid.
>These diarrhea brained shills made this night pretty fun
"I love shills now at this point. Even when this is over some Mossad/Clown asshole will still be typing useless division tactics out of his frayed handbook on to an empty board. Some people just don't know when they have lost…"
Commandments are not optional, Anons.
>for 4 years i prayed that these idiots would not do this…..They didnt stop…what is coming will break your heart..Green 4 out
Before this they were answering to voters. Now THEY ARE ANSWERING TO AN ANGRY MOB. I almost feel sorry for the Deep State, but they just won't stop playing pretend and living in fantasy disinformation land. They drank their own Kool-Aid.
I certainly hope the military saves them by arresting them all, because that's the only thing standing between them and being drug through the streets like Ceaușescu.
And no matter how peaceful any of us wish it would be, there is no stopping an angry mob from getting what it wants.
What part of "Get thee behind me, Satan." do these doubtfags not understand?
>If they really won, they'd be knocking a few back and ignoring us.
Parade is canceled. Imagine that.
The dirty little secret is that Satan is a fucking idiot. This is literally his best and brightest.
>We were told to archive everything offline. NOW IS THE TIME
Speaking of which:
If you'd like a complete archive of Q posts in chronological order in book form, you can get the full set through Oct 2020 with working web-links by downloading these 4 PDFs: